Entries by Bible Memory

Quick Thought:  “While You Can” FOLLOW-UP #3

In the two prior “Follow-up” posts published in recent days, I wrote this:  “In the previous post I mentioned the thousands of people who simply showed up to their office on September 11, 2001, and four college students in Idaho who simply went to sleep for the night and three in Virginia who simply boarded […]

Quick Thought:  “While You Can” FOLLOW-UP #2

In the “Follow-up #1” post published just a few days ago, I wrote this:  “In the previous post I mentioned the thousands of people who simply showed up to their office on September 11, 2001, and four college students in Idaho who simply went to sleep for the night and three in Virginia who simply […]

FOLLOW-UP to Monterey Park mass murder post

In the previous post, which itself was a follow-up to the preceding “While You Can” post, I added to the list of people who passed into eternity without notice, likely without much if any recent consideration that the end of their life on earth would come to an end anytime soon.  As I noted, that’s […]

Quick Thought:  “While You Can” FOLLOW-UP #1

The previous post was titled “While You Can”, which listed several examples of people who thought they had much, much, much, much, much more time to live, to take care of their eternal destination, to confirm a “reservation” for Heaven or Hell forever and ever. And just last night ten people simply went to their […]

While You Can

It’s so common.  Because it’s just human nature to think, to presume and assume that we have a lot of time yet to live, so much so that it’s virtually impossible to even begin to imagine the world without us in it. This deception is one of the devil’s most dangerous – and successful – […]

Quick Thought:  Post-meal Pots and Pans

I’m sure we’ve all cooked a meal which afterward left a major mess in the pan. Literally uncleanable. So we let it soak in water overnight and when we wake up the next morning, wah-lah, it’s super EASY to clean, the prior night’s cooked-on crud just washes away without effort. That’s EXACTLY how it is […]

Quick Thought:  Like Shoes or Shade

Recently I went for another one of my multi-hour, marathon walks. I put on some shoes, which protect my feet from stray nails which appear on the roads/paths/sidewalks from time to time. It was very hot that day, even though I started a few hours earlier than usual but the heat/humidity was already lingering in […]

Theme Song!

The Lord has blessed me with some personal strengths but I can assure you that a good singing voice is NOT one of them.  No how, no way, no day.  This is probably why whenever a singer has told me that they admire my love for and focus on Bible memory, I’ve usually responded by […]

Life Lessons from the Basketball Championship Series

The pro basketball championship series has ended and with it, another season.  Two main lessons/takeaways for me from this season-ending, summer-summoning series (one of the many great benefits of Bible memory especially on a regular, systematic basis is that literally EVERYTHING in life reminds one of something in the Bible, EVERY event big or small […]