Entries by Bible Memory

Talk About a RIGGED System!

No, that title doesn’t refer to the two-party political system or the stock market or the economy.  I’m talking about something that’s SO rigged it’s jaw-dropping and indeed life-altering.  Literally.  It is undoubtedly GREATLY AFFECTING your life – and not for the better – at this very moment, as we speak. Whenever I hear someone […]

An Ode to the Lord Jesus Christ

Now that the backstory, explanation, and vision for this blog have been noted (very fitting at the very beginning), I want this first non-foundational post to be an expression of my appreciation and love for the most amazing person in human history, who just so happens to be the second Person of the Holy Trinity.  […]

The Vision

As a recap and summary of what BibleMemory.ORG is all about… For years and years I have felt a strong desire to give a gift back to the Lord for Who He is and what He means to me and all He’s done, something above and beyond  the norm, as important as those daily gifts […]

About This Blog

Just as giving you the backstory on how this whole thing came about was appropriate for the subject matter of the very first post, it seems equally fitting that the second post should share the ins and outs of this blog, of all future posts, so without further ado… You might notice that I don’t […]

Welcome to the BibleMemory.ORG blog!

It is such an honor to publish the very first post of the BibleMemory.ORG blog! First and foremostly, I want to thank the Lord for His immense goodness and grace in making this a reality.  And His patience with me on a daily (if not HOURLY!) basis.  And for His providing the funding to build […]