Entries by Bible Memory

Falling Down

P.S.  Per the past two posts, while this year’s NBA Playoffs were wonderful to watch, what was whacky was how often many of the players – grown men, mind you, and among the most athletic  in the world to boot – would fake being fouled!  And they’d take the act to the max by arguing […]

Role Players

[Picking up from the previous post as promised…] The second sort of player that has impressed me these playoffs in particular has been some phenomenal role players. For those not familiar with basketball, most teams’ “starting five” is comprised of at least three and often four role players, not “stars”.  In other words, most starting […]

Bench Players

The 2024 NBA (pro basketball) Championship Series (“Finals”) has just begun, and one of the most impressive things I’ve seen in this year’s playoffs has been how crucially so-called “bench players” have contributed to the winning team’s success in each series so far. For those who don’t play or watch basketball, NBA bench players are […]

Four Umbrellas

Earlier on this first Monday morning for the month of May, with the start of a new week I was wondering what was THE WORST thing in the world… The WORST thing is sin. And under that umbrella, THE WORST thing is pride. And under that  umbrella, THE WORST thing is self (e.g., selfishness, self-focus, […]

“A or B”:  Four moreBinary Choices

A lot of people live life as though their faith is a very nice perk. But a perk nonetheless. They seem to view it as “free” in the sense of not costing them anything.  But the Lord Jesus rejected that common conception with crystal clarity, confirming that Christianity comes with a cost:  not in terms […]

“A or B”:  Four Binary Choices (and one Great Finish?)

Here’s a phrase which many of you who follow politics have no doubt already begun to hear quite a bit and of which the rest of the citizenry is about to get a big, double-dog-dare-ya-to-disregard dose during this election year:  “binary choice”. “Not enthused with either presidential (or congressional or local) candidate and therefore don’t […]

Four Masters (and one Golf Major)

I don’t usually watch golf on TV with two exceptions:  the U.S. Open and The Masters, two of the sport’s four “major” tournaments. I enjoy both but the latter is a slight favorite since it occurs right around Resurrection Sunday (Easter) each Spring, and occurs first of the four, a fitting “kick-off” to the serious […]

Four Types (and one Solar Eclipse)

Per plenty of published projections predicting a pretty plump path, people from Maine to Texas (local cloud cover-contingent) are set to see quite a sight:  just two hours from now, day will literally become night.  In a tad over “the blink of an eye” (but close!) daylight will turn to darkness. For a few fast […]

Four Factors

As everyone learned while watching the first Iraq war in 1991, there are four factors in life, in strategizing, in planning: known knowns known unknowns unknown knowns unknown unknowns Those first two are pretty easy for obvious reasons. That third one can be more challenging but still isn’t at all scary since study and analysis […]