Find a Church
I’m currently putting together a nationwide network of Bible-believing, Bible-loving, Bible-living churches in general and Bible memory-supportive churches in specific!
I expect to have one in virtually every area so anyone anywhere will be able to find a GREAT church nearby, in THEIR local area!
Once completed I’ll post the Name, Address, Phone Number, Email and Website of participating churches on this page so you can find one for yourself and/or to refer others.
For the first time ever (finally!) anyone anywhere will be able to find a church in their local area that not only adheres to the Bible but specifically facilitates and encourages and understands the importance and immense and blessed benefits of Bible memory!
When this new national network of nearby churches has been assembled and ready to launch, I’ll not only list their contact information here but also post an announcement on the Blog page!
Again, this can be for yourself or for the fairly frequent requests from friends who are moving to a new area of the country that you, like many of us, probably receive regularly.
Stay tuned… and please keep this venture in specific and BibleMemory.ORG in general in your regular prayers, the potential and prospects are literally unlimited. As is the Bible’s power to teach, train, and totally transform.
Connecting people with a Bible-loving church nearby! ℠