Quick Thought:  Post-meal Pots and Pans

I’m sure we’ve all cooked a meal which afterward left a major mess in the pan.

Literally uncleanable.

So we let it soak in water overnight and when we wake up the next morning, wah-lah, it’s super EASY to clean, the prior night’s cooked-on crud just washes away without effort.

That’s EXACTLY how it is with Bible memory!

You see, each day we automatically pick up dust and dirt and filth from this world in which we live, from a sinful and sin-filled society which seems to be getting even more and more so by the day.  It’s just the nature of the beast, of being human in a corrupted world.  Because even though (thanks to spiritual salvation) our inner person is a new creature, a new being altogether (2 Corinthians 5:17), there will still remain in our bodies, in its members, the “law of sin and death” (Romans 7:14-25).  Which is why regular confession of our sins is one of the clearest signs of genuine salvation (1 John 1:9 among many other verses).  Like the Lord Jesus put it so perfectly, salvation is our spiritual shower but we still pick up some dust and dirt just by walking in this world which is why we need to wash our feet (confess our sins) regularly (John 13:1-10).

If you were to cook several meals in a row in the same pan without having cleaned it, the results would not be very good.  The same is true when we go very long at all without confessing our sins.  I find that anymore most of mine are sins of omission versus commission, but sin is sin is sin and needs to be confessed, contritely and quickly, or it will indeed “cake on” in and to your life.

Emotionally.  Relationally.  Very often even physically and financially.  And especially spiritually.

So just as we automatically soak a dirty pan overnight to let the water “break up” the crud, let’s be at least as diligent and clear-minded to do so with our hearts and minds.

And the way to do that, the “water” if you will, is – yep, you got it – the Bible in general and Bible memory in specific.

Amazing how EVERYTHING regarding this life and the one to come always comes back to the Bible!

What a gift, what a treasure…
May we drink it without measure,
Bringing God (and us!) much pleasure.


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