Prayer List
Add your name to the list! DJ Bible’s prayer list. So he can pray for you and please pray, pray, pray for him as he undertakes the enormous, historic, full-time task of memorizing the ENTIRE Bible and then reciting it back to the Lord as a very special love gift and “thank You” gift for all He does and who He is! A gift not just from DJ Bible but from and on behalf of everyone who supports this in whatever ways they’re able.
YES! I’ll pray for DJ Bible as he fulfills God’s calling in his life to memorize the ENTIRE Bible and then to help others do likewise – please email me specific prayer requests which may arise from time to time. And since he’ll be needing all the prayers he can get for such a monumental task, I’ll also encourage as many other Christians as I can to add THEIR names to this prayer list at BibleMemory.ORG/pray!
Share this page with as many people as possible! (I’ll definitely be needing all the prayers I can get for such a monumental task.) Simply click on your social media platform(s) (or the last icon to share by email) in the bar above!