Quick Thought:  Like Shoes or Shade

Recently I went for another one of my multi-hour, marathon walks.

I put on some shoes, which protect my feet from stray nails which appear on the roads/paths/sidewalks from time to time.

It was very hot that day, even though I started a few hours earlier than usual but the heat/humidity was already lingering in the air, inescapable… UNTIL I walked in the shade of a long row of fruit trees for fifteen minutes or so.  That shade instantly made me feel a good ten degrees cooler, whew!  What welcome relief!

And this is EXACTLY how Bible memory functions in our lives!  Like shoes protect a pedestrian’s feet from nails and glass and stray stones, and like shade protects one from the harsh heat and humidity borne of a bright summer sun, so also Bible memory protects a person’s soul and spirit and mind and even body (Proverbs 4:22 – God’s words, not mine) from all sorts of harmful things in this world:  sin, despair, lethargy and every other similar thing.

We simply need to ingest, to internalize His words and Word, the Bible, and we’ll be thankful and happy on an ongoing basis.  Even in the midst of a “crooked and perverse generation” (Philippians 2:15), even while wandering through such a weird, whacky world system.

  • “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you……” (Colossians 3:16-17)

Few of us would go for a multi-mile walk in the city without wearing shoes to protect our feet.  May we be at least that wise when it comes to our soul and spirit.  May we protect such with the “shoes” of His Holy Word, the Bible!

  • “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” (Psalm 119:11)


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