Trumped:  Two Truths

No, this post isn’t about politics.  Rather, I’m talking about two facts of human existence.

It’s in the Bible so it’s an absolute fact that “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

But also in the Bible and equally true is the fact that God’s compassions and mercies “are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)  Which is why we can count on the crystal-clear claim that “joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)

Each day brings new potential pitfalls but starts with NEW MERCIES from God to us to HANDLE those troubles, to avoid those potential pitfalls with flying colors.

Fully.  Completely.  To turn those lemons into delicious lemonade as it were.

On this end, from our standpoint, it’s almost as though that second truth trumps or counteracts or conquers the first one!  If we let it.

The best (only?) way to do so is to meditate all day, every day on the Bible…

  • “O how I love Thy law!  [I.e., the Bible]  It is my meditation all the day.” (Psalm 119:97)

… and it’s obvious and logical and self-evident that the best way to truly meditate on the Bible (or anything, for that matter) “all day” is to memorize  it.

I hope that noise I just heard wasn’t many groans!  Because while memorization probably holds all the allure and appeal of a dentist visit to most people, even many believers, I’m here to tell you that, as discussed on the home page and Overview video, the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I’m ABLE to memorize.  The more of the Bible I store in my mind, the more I’m ABLE to store.  The more of my mental capacity I fill up, the MORE capacity there is to put/fit even more  of the Bible in there, not  less as is the case of, say, water in a glass.  It truly is a miracle, smashing the (literal) laws of nature.  In other words, when I first set out to memorize my very first entire book (James), it was downright daunting.  “NO WAY am I going to be able to fit this ENTIRE BOOK in my head!” I thought at 1:1.  But by 5:20 I had come to see this miracle, this power in action.  But of course, human nature being what and how it is, when I contemplated memorizing my second entire book (Hebrews) I thought to myself – yep, you guessed it – “NO WAY am I going to be able to fit THIS entire book in my head, too!”  But by the end of Chapter 5 I was like, “Wow, that wasn’t so hard after all and in fact was EASIER than the five chapters of James” and by the end of Chapter 10 those five chapters were EVEN EASIER than 1-5 and so forth, and this miracle has been playing out like clockwork for SIX entire books of the Bible so far!

It’s not a fluke.  At all.  Just the opposite.  You see, ever since that very first verse of that very first chapter of that very first book, the Bible itself has been revealing to my mind’s eye a specific memory method, which has made each chapter and book noticeably easier to memorize than the one before.  I’m 100% about this, and 99% sure that it will be universal, that it’ll work for virtually everyone, not just me.  I certainly hope and pray it plays out that way because it will R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N-I-Z-E your life!  It will BLOW YOUR MIND because it will UNLOCK and UNLEASH your mind.  Just look at the Videos page and you’ll see with your own eyes what I’m talking about!

It’s impossible to say for sure since this mind’s-eye-opening process is ongoing, but my sense, my hunch is that it’s around 75% of the way complete… and I can hardly wait to share it with you and with the world!  But in the meantime, while memorization still seems so difficult and/or boring to many no doubt most of you, one way you can still receive much of the blessing and many of the blessings of Bible memory is to spend as much time as possible, as practical, with someone(s) who HAS stored a huge amount of Scripture in his or her heart/mind, as the principle of osmosis definitely works in that realm, too.

Another way is to support this historic endeavor which is unfolding in real-time and before your very eyes at BibleMemory.ORG!  Via your prayers and “shares” and, for those who are comfortably able and strongly Lord-led, with a one-time or, far better, a monthly donation as the latter will provide much more visibility and capacity to plan for the months and years ahead so as to best fulfill the Plan of Action discussed on the home page.

And unlike, say, a fast-food meal, investing in THIS will produce eternal fruit and results which you will be able to see with your own eyes for the next several years as, one by one, all 66 books of the Bible make their way onto that Videos page. 🙂  I’m trusting the Lord to lead a sufficient number of like-minded Bible-loving believers to support this so we can please Him in this special way!

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