Quick Thought:  May It Never Be!

We take air for granted.  Or at least before the current pandemic occurred, a bit less so now but still in large part, e.g., when you’re in your home you don’t even think about air, about breathing, you just do it automatically so even now we continue to take air for granted.  Why?  Because it’s so common, so abundant, so aplenty.

We take water for granted.  Why?  Because it’s so common, so abundant, so aplenty.

And nothing pains my heart more than the fact that we take the Bible for granted.  Because it’s so common, so abundant, so aplenty, so ubiquitous, so accessible like no book in the history of humanity.

Taking the Bible for granted… may it never be!

Rather, may we go forward from this day on with the active realization that the Bible is literally God’s Word, the very words of God Almighty Himself to us, the objects of His eternal, undying love and compassion and mercy and grace.

But let us purpose to not just maintain that day-to-day realization but to go a step further, to the next level.

It is horrific and egregious to take God’s Word, the Bible, for granted as far too many of us have done for far too long.

It is far better to maintain an active appreciation and indeed affection for God’s Word, the Bible.

It is best of all to respect it so utterly that our regular response to it is to tremble.

  • “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.” (Isaiah 66:2b)

My heart’s prayer when it comes to the Bible:  that we would increasingly and unrelentingly love it, learn it, live it.

Along with giving back to the Lord perhaps the most unique love/thank-You gift in human history for who He is and all He does – not only from me but from and on behalf of everyone who supports this effort in whatever ways they’re comfortably able – that’s the whole point and reason for BibleMemory.ORG and indeed my own life:  to “Educate, Encourage, Empower” people all around the globe to realize and come to more and more fully understand the immeasurable treasure that is  the Bible.
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3. Add your name to my Prayer List!

4. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to pray for this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/pray (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down a few inches and select your platforms, it’s that quick and easy!

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