“I love it to death!”

When I was a mere child in elementary school, there was a common saying when we really  liked something:  ”I love it to death!”

Pizza?  ”I love it to death!”

Popcorn?  ”I love it to death!”

Ice cream?  ”I love it to death!”

Watermelon?  ”I love it to death!”

The Huffy bicycle my parents gifted me for Christmas when I was ten?  ”I love it to death!”

Jesus loves you to death.

Literally.  He loved and loves you and me so much that He left the comfort of Heaven and willingly set aside the voluntary use of His very Deity and took on all of the aspects of human living except for sin and then capped it all off by letting sinners sneer and snicker and sarcastically salute as they hoisted and nailed Him to an old, rugged cross so we could gain what we cannot lose if we simply give what we cannot keep (to paraphrase pilot-turned-missionary-martyr Jim Elliot).

Therefore, our lives should truly be one long, unending effort to let Him know, to show  Him, to return the favor and demonstrate our  love toward and for Him.

He has graciously granted “great big blessings” by which I’m humbled and for which I’m grateful on this special late-November day and the other 364 each year… “I love You, Lord Jesus – my Love, my Life – I am in awe of You.”  For Your awesome – and awe-inspiring – attributes, and Your faithfulness to them, to Yourself, to us.  But most of all, just for who You are… I am indeed in awe of You.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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