Entries by Bible Memory

“Big Mo”:  Maintain Your Gain!

There’s a phrase very familiar with those of us who watch sports:  “big mo”.  Momentum.  It plays an important and usually uncanny role in the outcome of a game. But you know what, momentum also plays a crucial role in the Christian life, in our daily walk with the Lord — which, as discussed in the […]

Separate Scenarios, Crystal Clear Conclusion

I just returned from a brisk but beautiful and beneficial bike ride.  Because just like a healthy brain needs the Bible on a regular basis, so also the body needs regular exercise so I’m always thankful (a) when I have an extra amount of time for an even more rigorous workout and (b) when I […]

Quick Thought:  “Helpless!”

Remember when we were kids and would try to help one of our friends with something and they just kept “not getting it” and after several attempts to aid them in the task we’d say, “Ugh, you’re helpless!”? I do.  Not very proudly, mind you.  I wish I had the same level of patience and […]

You’re NOT Crazy!

Ever feel like maybe you’re just a little “off”?  Lots of people do.  Even Christians.  Even mature believers. But I’m here to tell you that you’re NOT crazy. Why do I say that, and how can I so confidently?  Easy.  1 John 3:1 “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we […]

School Shooting:  Santa Clarita, CA

The airwaves are filled with the breaking news of another senseless school shooting, this one in Santa Clarita, CA. All of them in recent years have been downright heartbreaking – just to imagine the fear and angst and pain those affected, children and parents and teachers alike, must have experienced and some will continue to […]

“Look in the Mirror!”

Remember that ubiquitous comeback line when we were children?  Usually from a sibling (and accompanied in rapid succession with the sticking out of the tongue).  Sometimes (cringe) to a parent or teacher or maybe babysitter, or anyone who said something to us which we didn’t particularly like:  “Look in the mirror!” In a very different […]

Plan Ahead!

I’m sure we’re all very familiar with an adage I used to love as a kid and ever since:  “Plan ahead.  It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark!” So true.  And indeed something that garnered him entrance into the “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11. But in this post I’d like to look at […]


“He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him.” (Proverbs 27:14) What an amazing verse and truth, just like the other one from this very same Chapter discussed in the previous post.  Blessing someone is a good  thing.  And doing so loudly is […]

Perspective is EVERYTHING!

“A sated [satiated, satisfied, full-stomached] man loathes honey, but to a famished  man any BITTER thing is SWEET.” (Proverbs 27:7) What an amazing verse and truth.  One man, who’s full, deems even honey to be undesirable, but a man who’s starving deems even a BITTER thing to be sweet, to be desirable. It reminds me […]