Perspective is EVERYTHING!

“A sated [satiated, satisfied, full-stomached] man loathes honey, but to a famished  man any BITTER thing is SWEET.” (Proverbs 27:7)

What an amazing verse and truth.  One man, who’s full, deems even honey to be undesirable, but a man who’s starving deems even a BITTER thing to be sweet, to be desirable.

It reminds me of a drawing that I saw on the internet years ago.  It has two scenes.  Or more accurately, one scene from two, opposite perspectives/angles.

The first image is of a man who has been stranded on an island who finally sees a boat approaching and thinks he’s about to be saved from his dire situation.

The second is of a man who has been stranded at sea who finally sees land and thinks he’s about to be saved from his dire situation.

So the next time you catch yourself feeling a bit ungrateful or taking your blessings for granted (I’m sorry to say that this happens far too often with me and is probably my biggest, most frequent sin), just remember that there are (literally) billions of people who would (literally) give their right arm (or both) to be in your shoes.  So no matter how bad or dire your situation may seem from time to time, just keep in mind (a) that NONE of us DESERVES ANYTHING good, that it’s “all gravy” and could be much worse (1 Peter 5:8), (b) that there are people suffering far more severely than you (1 Peter 5:9), and (c) that such times in our life serve a very distinct and marvelous purpose far more grand and joyful than the circumstance itself and, by the way, are ONLY TEMPORARY and won’t last forever (1 Peter 5:10) (but the benefit they produce will!).

Ah, yes, perspective is everything.


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