Wholly Holy
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I think that one of the most amazing, stunning, jaw-dropping, brain-blowing, mind-melting, conscience-crinkling commands in the entire Bible is the one found in 1 Peter 1:15 …
- “but LIKE the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in ALL your behavior” (emphasis added)
(… and its “other side of the same coin” similar-sounding sister verse Titus 1:15 … yep, and they’re BOTH “Chapter 1, Verse 15” with only the book of the Bible itself being different… we’ll call them “the two 1:15’s” on holiness…)
- “To the pure, ALL things are pure…” (emphasis added)
We are called, no, commanded not just to be holy, as massive as that would be all by itself, but to be holy LIKE God Himself is.
Wow! Wow! I am speechless!
But wait, there’s more! We are commanded not only to be holy and not only to be holy like He is but to do so, to be so, in ALL our behavior, in ALL our conduct, in ALL of our words and actions (including reactions), i.e., to be WHOLLY holy … wow wow wow, what a command!
But praise the Lord that the Bible is crystal clear that this is indeed possible but only by His doing, only through the inner working of His Spirit and Word.
Which is why it’s so crucial to spend as much time and meditation as possible in the latter, since it is what fully and maximally unleashes the former in us.
Hence holiness in humans, like wisdom, cannot be bought or brought about by self-effort, only through Spirit-working and Word-saturation.
May we redouble our focus on the crucial importance of personal, God-produced holiness in our daily living.
Pour it out upon and within us, Father, for we are willing and want to be obedient to the Bible and thus possess and practice personal holiness, to “be holy [our]selves also in all [our] behavior” even as You Yourself are holy, holy, holy.
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