While There’s Still Time, Before It’s Too Late, Just As You Are

As you know, the nation has seen an alarming (humanly speaking) (not for those of us who are aware of God’s utter sovereignty) rise in crime for the past two years and the past one in particular.

Today it was a mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway car in our biggest city.

Sad, senseless, and somehow almost expected given the current state of things.

Here’s a tweet from someone who was on the subway train right beside the one in which the shooting took place, backed up by how close the gunshots sound…

… but even more stark than the gunshots were how downright unpanicked these people seem to be.  As though they were super-duper certain that they wouldn’t die or get hit by one of those bullets.

This is EXACTLY in line with what I wrote in not one but two recent posts, particularly this one in which I discuss 2 Peter 3:3-7 which notes that end-times mockers will assume, will be self-assured, will be, yep, super-duper certain  that the world won’t come to an end.

Because it never has.  But Peter’s point is that just because something has never occurred doesn’t mean that it won’t  occur.  Just because something has never happened doesn’t mean that it never will.

That’s true about the world’s end, and it’s equally true about how and when each of us will slip into eternity.

It has famously been said that “the only sure thing in life is death and taxes.”

Wrong!  Because as true as anything is this fact:  a day, an hour, a minute, a split-second will come when each and every person will slip into eternity and leave this world, leave this physical life behind.

Based on their faces and body language and overall demeanor, it looks like they don’t believe that or at least didn’t believe it was going to happen today.

Even though bullets were literally flying around them (33 based on current news reports).

It’s really, really, really hard for us humans to think we’re going to be dead and gone someday.  Even though we understand this intellectually, it’s hard to think it’s going to happen anytime soon in any case.

Until it’s too late and that event is upon us.

Like the hoards of people who were simply going to work at the World Trade Center or Pentagon on a bright, beautiful, blue-skied day in September 2001, as they had countless days before.

Then it happened.  WHAM!  Eternity.

The fact is that each and every person will one day slip into eternity.

The key  is for each and every person to be prepared  for that.  To prepare NOW, while there’s still time, before it’s too late.

  • “…ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 3:23, 6:23)
  • “But as many as received Him [Jesus], to them He gave the RIGHT to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name… For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish, but HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.” (John 1:12, 3:16)
  • WHOEVER calls on the name of the Lord WILL BE SAVED.” (Romans 10:13)

Friend, if you’ve never done that, then right now, as you read this, you’re unprepared for eternity.

But the good news is that IT’S NOT TOO LATE to rectify that!  It might be a decade or a year or a week or a day or a minute from now, but since you’re reading this, it means there’s still time, however much or little is known only by God but why take a chance, especially when the stakes or as big as they get:  eternity.  Forever and ever.

If you’ve never done so, I lovingly encourage you to just say something in the spirit of this to the Lord:  “Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and God Himself who not only became flesh for me but, though You knew no sin, became sin on MY behalf so I can experience the righteousness of God and spend all eternity in heaven with You an all Christians when my time here on earth ends.  I know even just from the news items day in and day out that this can happen at any time.  As unlikely and unexpected and hard-to-imagine as that is, I confess that it’s true and therefore I confess my sins and ask You to change my heart and replace the anger and hatred which fills it with the true love which can only come from You.  I give the rest of my life to You, and want to live not for my desires or pleasure anymore but rather for Yours… from this day forward, ‘not my will but Thine be done!'”

It’s not about mouthing those words, it’s about the spirit, it’s about the heart, that’s what counts in God’s eyes.

If you’ve already done that in the past, I encourage you to renew your commitment to and love for Him.

  • “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4)
  • “And do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.” (Romans 13:11)

If you haven’t  done that in the past, I encourage you to do so…

Right here.  Right now.  Just as you are.

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