Ripple Effect, Part 2

Life is something. Something else, I tell ya. Often funny. Sometimes very, very funny:  one example of this literally just happened, just culminated this morning.

You see, for the past few days I noticed a sporadic, usually-dull pain in my lower back.  Usually  dull but a several times a day quite sharp.  To the extreme that I literally could barely breathe  for those few seconds when the pain would spike.

This was all the more shocking to me since I’ve never been sick or had to go to a hospital or doctor or even been sick my entire adult life, and even as a kid only to have my tonsils/adenoids and wisdom teeth removed.  (Though, in the spirit of full disclosure and transparency, I did fake sick  a lot, so I could stay home from school and play video games.)  (My parents rightly let me since I maintained very good grades.  Except for penmanship but that isn’t a real class. 🙂 )  Anyway, due to that lifelong track record of stellar health, a usually-dull-sometimes-sharp pain in my lower back for a few consecutive days did indeed come as a shock.

This thought flew through my mind for a fleeting moment:  Was it the first sign of kidney failure?  Was it the onset of kidney stones?  Was it lupus?

All possible I suppose BUT BUT BUT I have to admit these all seemed extremely unlikely to me since I am such a firm, total believer – indeed, partaker – of Proverbs 4:22 as discussed in-depth in a prior post but to summarize, the Bible straightforwardly states a crystal-clear conclusion:  that those who “find” God’s words (i.e., the Bible!) will experience not just “life” but “health to ALL their WHOLE body” so I just couldn’t really believe that any of those possibilities were actually a “thing” in this situation.

A second (albeit unnecessary) hint or piece of supporting evidence was that the spikes of sharper pain occurred exclusively when I was standing/vertical, never when I was lying down/horizontal.  If it were any of those issues, the physical position of one’s body surely wouldn’t matter, at least that seems very logical and common-sensical to me.

The result is that this morning, after a few days of this matter, I remembered that I had tightened the screws of my main chair, which I sit in while on the computer, eating, watching a few news/talk shows, pretty much every day-to-day activity except sleeping and shaving.  I.e., I spend a LOT of time in that chair so it hit me that maybe, just maybe I tightened said screws a bit too much which would’ve made the chair less “flexible” or “forgiving” to my body so a couple hours ago I loosened them a tad and, wa-la, what do ya know, no more pain!

It was pretty funny (at least AFTER that last part occurred) but also a great reminder of what I wrote in the “Part 1” post:  that our decisions and actions have RIPPLE EFFECTS!  Usually in the lives of other people, always in our own.

Which is why it’s such a total NO-BRAINER to live one’s life, to base one’s decisions and actions on one thing and ONLY one thing:  the Bible.

Because it’s never, ever wrong, always right.  100% of the time.  Absolutely flawless.  The very picture of perfection and indeed the only perfect tangible thing in the universe.

So you’ll understand why I’m going to take the next hour or two EATING IT UP.  Consuming it.  Ingesting it.  And I can testify firsthand that it is indeed “more desirable than gold, even more than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb” and that in eating (keeping, heeding, applying, obeying) it “there is GREAT REWARD.” (Psalm 19:10-11)

Thank You, Lord, for the three greatest gifts you’ve ever given us:  Your Holy Spirit; Your Word, the Bible; and Yourself.

May our every decision and action be in line, in accord with all three.

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