Quick Thought:  “You’re So Good, You’re So Good…”

I don’t watch much TV, primarily due to a lack of time (after all, the ENTIRE BIBLE isn’t going to MEMORIZE ITSELF in my head =) but also a lack of desire since that time is so much better used, spent, “redeemed” (Ephesians 5:16) in other ways (e.g., reading and studying and especially memorizing the Bible, praying, worshiping the Lord Jesus, fellowshiping with other believers, sharing the Gospel with unbelievers, etc.) but I do  like to scan through the channels and check the news at the top of every few hours (i.e., main headlines) so as to remain a well-rounded, well-informed individual and citizen – a good idea in any case but especially so we can converse and connect even better with those with whom we interact in day-to-day life.

Anyway, I did that a few times earlier today and when scanning the channels, staying on each one for a few seconds to see if something new is being reported, in the few seconds my clicker had landed on CNN they were promoting some special about a 70’s singer they’re apparently planning to premiere on New Year’s Day.  I won’t be watching it, way too many other things to do, but in those few seconds they were playing a line from one of her songs which said “You’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good.”  Not my cup of tea but it’s one of those “jingles” that don’t immediately want to evacuate one’s head after initially hearing it.  (Ugh.)  But the main theme of the New Testament book of James is a “checklist” for authentic, saving faith but a secondary  theme is “when ‘life’ hands you a lemon, make lemonade” so instead of evicting that jingle out of my head altogether I simply changed one letter and have been singing it to the Lord ever since, for the past few hours:  “You’re so good, You’re so good, You’re so good.”

I love it!  The world throws something neutral or in many cases even evil our way, but our Bible-basted brains bring forth benefit by turning it into something good, into praise or worship of God… take THAT, world system!

Already ready for its next  pitch.  Batter up!

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