Quick Thought:  “Contagious” FOLLOW-UP:  Consuming Fire

I recently discussed the wildfires currently raging in Canada and how, by no fault of our own, the poor air quality and haze created thereby ended up affecting us in America, sometimes severely (worst air quality ever recorded in some cities, etc.).

Guess what.  It’s baaaaack.  Not so severely as last month but back nonetheless, and the thought which immediately struck me this time around is how thousands, no, hundreds of thousands, no, millions  of acres (eight to be exact – and counting, quickly – as I write this) of forest have been burned up by what started as a single spark!  Oh, the sheer power and fury of fire.

And that image and truth immediately brought to mind and provided a great illustration of a certain Bible verse:

  • “for our God is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:29)

How utterly important it is to maintain a morally pure life.  Lest we be consumed by fire.  (The destroying type reserved for unbelievers as described in countless Bible verses, or the purifying fire of trials and God’s loving discipline when we believers stray from time to time as noted in 1 Peter 1:7 and Hebrews 12:1-13 among others.)

Even post-salvation we cannot be sin-free (1 John 2:1-2) but, praise the Lord, we can (and must) be free from sin.  From its pull and potential power and inherent deceitfulness (Hebrews 3:13; James 1:14-16; Jeremiah 17:9).

Or to put it another way… we can’t be free of  sin but we can be free from  sin.

And we must.

Please join me in recommitting our lives to purity and humble obedience to God via His holy Word, the Bible.

Every day.

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