Quick Thought:  “Audience of One” FOLLOW-UP

I don’t think I’ve ever done a “(somewhat) deep dive” on something other than the Bible… but I’m doing so in this case for a song because it’s so full of, so overflowing with biblical truths (as per the Bible verses in parentheses below), not just beautiful music and lyrics… if you haven’t yet listened to it, I encourage you to scroll down a few inches and do so, if you’re okay with certain contemporary Christian music (otherwise, please disregard these five videos).

Without further ado, in chronological order of the lyrics:

“I come on my knees… before You” (Ephesians 3:14)

“longing only to know You” (Psalm 42:1; Ephesians 1:17)

“seeking Your face, and not only  Your hand” (Psalm 27:8 & 105:4; 1 Timothy 6:17)

“I find You embracing me” (John 3:16, 6:37)

“just as I am” (Revelation 22:17)

“to You and You alone” (1 Peter 4:11)

“As I sing to You, in my praises make Your home” (Psalm 22:3)

“You are Father and You are Son” (John 10:30)

“as your Spirit flows free, let [Him] find within me a heart that beats to praise You” (Titus 3:5-7; Romans 8:13-17,26-27)

“just to know You more has become my great reward” (2 Peter 3:18)

“Your kingdom come and Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10)

“I only desire to be Yours, Lord” (Matthew 6:24,33; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17)

“what could I bring to honor Your majesty” (Micah 6:6-8)

“all that I have is this life that You’ve given me” (Psalm 16:2,5)

“Lord, let me live for You my song with humility” (James 4:10 among countless others)

“as the love song of my life is played, I have one desire:  to bring glory to Your name” (1 Corinthians 10:31; Philippians 3:13-14)

I like this entire song, such a big blessing… but along with the title itself (and the violins, always) four of these phrases are especially precious to my heart:

  • “seeking Your face and not only Your hand” – Personally I find this to be very convicting.  Because it’s so easy for us humans to let more of our focus be on God’s hand than His beautiful face, to focus more on what He can do and does do for us rather than who He is.  To be sure, we should be ever grateful for the former… but that should never, ever eclipse or come before or grow greater than the latter.  Because the former flows forth from  the latter.  I.e., what good would it be to know all of the wonderful things He can do for us, if we didn’t know of His boundless and deep desire  to do so.  In fact, the Bible specifically makes that distinction in telling us not to let our primary focus drift, “NOT to focus” on the provisions but the Provider, “but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17, emphasis added).
  • “a heart that beats to praise You” – Indeed, because of what I just wrote, because of His overwhelming grace and goodness and generosity and patience and forbearance and kindness toward us in and through Christ, we should be more and more drawn to Him.  To know Him.  To worship Him.  To serve Him.  To love Him.  To obey Him.  “… the kindness of God leads you to repentance” (Romans 2:4, emphasis added).
  • “what could I bring to honor Your majesty” – As discussed on the home and About pages of this website, this is exactly what I had been considering for years, trying to think of something I could do, of some way to SHOW the Lord how much I love and appreciate Him and all He has done for me, and on one such occasion not too long ago is when the thought, the calling “hit my heart” like a bolt of lightning, something that I KNEW He would absolutely LOVE:  for someone to MEMORIZE the ENTIRE Bible and then quote His own words back to Him, to recite back to Him the very love letter which He first wrote to us.  And I’ve dedicated my life to fulfilling this calling ever since and can hardly wait for the day when it is culminated even as the whole world watches thanks to BibleMemory.ORG and YouTube.com/BibleMemory … what a day of rejoicing that will be!  Not just for the Lord, not just for me personally, but for each and every person who supports this historic event in whatever ways they’re able… the spiritual “greeting card” which accompanies this “love gift” to Him will include ALL of our names, not just mine.
  • “as the love song of my life is played” – What a beautiful picture this paints… as you might have noticed, on the BibleMemory.ORG home page I write that the Bible is God’s “love letter” to humanity.  And our lives should reciprocate and be our “love song” to Him.

But the entire song is full of lovely lyrics, wonderful words.  Because they come from the ultimate  Word, God’s Word, the beloved Bible.  Which is the only source of true beauty on earth.  Beauty and wisdom and soundness of mind (literally – see 1 Timothy 6:3).  So while I praise the Lord for the voice and musical talent He bestowed on Big Daddy Weave, that he was so willing and eager to utilize those gifts for God and His glory and His use (that’s literally what it’s all about!), my first and foremost praise and appreciation is for and to the Lord, the Giver  of those gifts, the Liver of love, “the author and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2), “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), “the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:8), beginning and end… may Your name be praised forever, Lord, You truly are my Audience of One, my all-in-all and all I need (or could ever want), You’re (way, way, way, way) enough for me – You and You alone.






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