Quick Thought:  100%

God is 100% deserving for 100% of the population to be 100% focused on Him 100% of the time.

He literally deserves no less.

Yet He doesn’t demand that.  In His grace and omniscience He is fully aware that such is impossible in the finite, fallen-flesh “suits” we wear throughout our entire life.

The sad part is that undoubtedly not even 10% of the population is even 10% focused on Him even 10% of the time.

Maybe not even 1%.

Let’s commit to actively focus on Him far more than we do.  Not just every day but every hour.  We won’t ever reach 100% on this side of eternity but we can certainly do much better than we currently are, we have so much room for improvement in this area.

I know I do.

He is worthy.  100%.

I find that just being reminded, just being aware  of this is 90% of the battle.

Until the next time I forget, until the next time it slips my mind again.

Then when I come to realize it anew, I can only contritely cower in confession and cry out, “Wretched man that I am!” (Romans 7:24)

And yet He persists in His grace and understanding and patience and kindness and love, and gladly receives even the crumbs  of focus and worship and gratitude we give Him.  To Him who gives us not just grace but “grace upon  grace.” (John 1:16)

“Thanks be to God” indeed. (Romans 7:25)

I don’t know why He puts up with the mere morsels meagerly meted out to Him by man, but am so glad He does, am so glad He’s truly pleased with anything  we give back to Him.

Yes, we can certainly do so much better in that regard.  May it be so.

Starting with me.

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