No Libels

In the past year or so in particular as the 2024 U.S. presidential election has inched ever nearer and the probable participating candidates have become ever clearer, a group founded in 2009 has gained new steam.

It’s called No Labels and its mission is – if  2024 looks likely to be a 2020 rematch of Trump vs. Biden (as it definitely does right now) – to put forth, to field and fully fund a so-called “unity ticket” and thus provide the American people with a third, far more preferable and popular option comprised of a centrist Republican and centrist Democrat.  [Think Larry Hogan, Chris Sununu, Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman for the former and a past multi-term blue Governor of a red state like Joe Manchin (WV) or Jay Nixon (MO) for the latter.]

A few months ago there was polling which suggested that the move – if it even materializes, if they’re even able to get a line on the ballots in a sufficient number of states – would, contrary to conventional wisdom, actually siphon more votes away from (i.e., hurt) Trump than (i.e., help) Biden.  Color me skeptical of that conclusion which seems a tad askew…

… but it’s basically bringing a big headache to both sides of the aisle in their planning and plotting (and plodding) to take the White House next November.

In the coming months we should get a good glimpse of what if any  impact this may ultimately have, but – in keeping with my prior promise that this will remain a partisan-politics-free place – the point and purpose of this post, while wielding wisdom and value for folks in the field of politics, isn’t about “No Labels” but rather “no LIBELS!”

As you’ve no doubt noticed, the past decade has definitely detected a dramatic, indeed, dire decrease in diplomacy and a massive increase in invective in politics and society in general.  Phrases and words which would’ve been unthinkable  even just a decade or two ago are now routinely hurled very publicly on an hourly  basis… so I’d like to humbly remind those so inclined that while the Bible doesn’t mention “No Labels” (by name, anyway) it certainly has something serious to say about “no libels”:

  • “… malign no one… be uncontentious, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.” (Titus 3:2, NASB [1977-94 version])

And I really like the Legacy Standard Bible’s translation:

  • “… slander no one… be peaceable, considerate, demonstrating all gentleness to all men.” (Titus 3:2, LSB)

The Bible commands us to “malign no one”, to “slander no one” – in other words, “NO LIBELS!”

What a wise and timely word from the Word especially in light of our current political and societal state, which fits perfectly with my prior two-part post about the need for unity.

I often wish I could have a direct, personal conversation with the current crop of corporate, media, and political leaders, to tell them that instead of contributing so completely to the country’s communication crisis, they could – and absolutely should – be focused like a laser (at least at first) on curing  it, since they largely hold the cards.

I’ll keep praying along those lines and maintaining faith, but won’t be beset by bated breath since we don’t live in that kind of a world…

… but they and we could  quite quickly restore interpersonal and public communication back to how it used to be, simply by heeding the verse above (which I love) or this one:

  • “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29, NASB [1977-94 version])
  • “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for building up what is needed, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29, LSB)

Let’s take a moment to ask ourselves:  Have we been “showing every consideration for all men” (regardless of political party, or anything else) or have we been persistently pushing our own preferences and pleasure and will?  Did everything (!) we’ve said today (this week, the past month) have the effect of “building up” the hearers or tearing them down?  Did our words “give grace”, or something else altogether?

I think we all know the answer but the point isn’t to berate ourselves but rather to trust the Lord and rely on His heavenly help to turn around this seriously sinful societal situation.

Starting with ourselves.

Then we will watch it spread like wildfire to those around us and beyond, eventually impacting our congregation, county, then country, creating considerable and genuine and desperately-needed change.

Let it be so, Lord.  Let it be so.


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