Humble Helpers

The more of the Bible I memorize, the more righteous and holy I become in God’s eyes.

The more of the Bible I memorize, the more SINFUL and UNHOLY I become in MY eyes.

Because the Holy Bible reveals to my mind’s eye, opens my spiritual eyes more and more and more to how holy God is and how unholy and utterly sinful I am, in my flesh, in my humanity, in my self.  It has been a rather amazing and somewhat surprising, unexpected experience and process (ongoing).

And I’m very thankful for this aspect of the Bible’s self-proclaimed promise to “perform its work” in me and all who believe (1 Thessalonians 2:13), because I used to suffer significantly from the sin of pride.  I feel like spitting just thinking about that, about those haughty-minded days.  It disgusts me.  Even physically.  So sinful, yes.  So unwise, that too.  But also so inappropriate, since there is one – and ONLY One – who can rightly  be “proud”.  [I remember as a child hearing one of the world-class preachers who would regularly come to my church and have lunch at my family’s home saying that it’s actually impossible for God to be proud, since His very character makes what we view as pride TOTALLY RIGHT and acceptable and appropriate FOR HIM since He is, after all, pure perfection personified, so how could He ever be guilty of “pride”?  However high a view of Himself He may have, it’s RIGHT, i.e., He could never think TOO highly of Himself.  That’s the very essence and nature of perfection, there’s nothing higher or better, praise His name.]

Anyway, I’m so thankful for the grace of the Lord and work of the Word in winnowing my woefully weak mind of that foolish notion of pride.  I don’t “think I stand” in that regard (I know the second I do it’ll come back with a vengeance, that’s how it do, that’s how it be) but I can praisefully and thankfully say that in this area like others, in the words of 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Bible has indeed transformed me into a “new creature” altogether and I couldn’t be happier.  Way more.  All the time.  AS LONG AS I, by the Spirit’s and Word’s doing, CLING TO HUMILITY.

And the Lord/Word has graciously given me a few “helpers” in my deep desire to be humble (hence the title of this post) so I’d like to share them with you.

  • My 7-word “humble helper”:  “And WHOEVER exalts himself SHALL BE humbled” (Matthew 23:12; Luke 14:11 & 18:14)
  • My 6-word “humble helper”:  “When PRIDE comes, then comes DISHONOR” (Proverbs 11:2)
  • My 5-word “humble helper”:  “CHRIST did not glorify HIMSELF” (Hebrews 5:5)

Those first two always yield a big “yikes!” in me, but it’s that third one which really gets me.  “Sharper than any two-edged sword” and “piercing” indeed! (Hebrews 4:12)

To the core.  (Rotten apple that I am in my flesh/self.)

Why?  Because if GOD INCARNATE, “God in flesh appearing” as the beloved and time-tested tinsel-time tune O Come All Ye Faithful puts it (taken from John 1:14; Matthew 1:23; 1 Timothy 3:16) didn’t glorify HIMSELF, well, how on earth could you or I?

NO THANKS!  I find it far happier to leave that to God and to eschew pride in whatever form it may appear in life and to heed the crystal clear command and equally emphatic promise of James 4:10 (“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and HE WILL exalt you”) and the second-half “carrot” of Matthew 23:12 (“and whoever humbles himself WILL BE exalted”).

Along with the earlier-alluded-to 1 Corinthians 10:12, I’m also very aware of 8:1, two chapters earlier:  “Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.”  So as I continue to memorize entire books of the Bible en route to ALL 66 (Lord-willing… and I’m sure He is!) and that immense and inscrutable and powerful knowledge is poured into my mind, please be praying that I would always opt for love and eschew pride, that it will result not in my (ever) being “PUFFED up” but Christ (always) being LIFTED up and others being BUILT up.

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