Dynamic Duos & the Perfect Pair

In a hat tip to the recently wrapped-up pro basketball season, as fun and (usually) exciting as the Playoffs were to watch, one thought that hit me was that the games and sport couldn’t and can’t hold a candle to the 1990’s when (and because) Michael Jordan hit his whole stride, his pinnacle, winning SIX STRAIGHT Championships on an individual basis and six out of eight with two “threepeats” for his team (the Chicago Bulls… as you probably know, he retired for the two seasons in between to try his hand at pro baseball, probably in part due to his dad’s death while resting in his car on the side of a highway) but he didn’t do it on his own.  No, there were two different “dynamic duos” in that situation:  Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen on-court, and MJ and his cool-as-a-cucumber head coach Phil Jackson off-court.

Similarly, in a hat tip to the looming pro football  season, the next decade (2000’s) brought the world a “dynamic duo” in a different sport when the New England Patriots properly paired Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski on the field and also “TD” TB with his  head coach Bill Belichick on the sidelines.

Dynamic indeed.

Of course, most people would probably deem the best-known “dynamic duo” to be Batman and Robin but there’s one with which NONE of these can compare:  the PERFECT Pair of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the Second and Third Persons of the Godhead, the Holy Trinity.

While I feel and give infinite praise and glory and gratitude to our Heavenly Father, He Himself has designed it so the other two deal most directly with us humanly speaking, in that those are the two Persons of the Godhead who actually and literally and personally  DWELL INSIDE of each and every person who puts his or her faith sincerely and exclusively in God’s plan of salvation, the Gospel, i.e., that the only way for post-fall-of-humanity sinners to reunite, to get back into fellowship with a perfect God is to put one’s full faith in the fact, the truth, that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, into the world, who was ABLE and QUALIFIED to take our sins off of us and onto Himself because He DIDN’T have any sin, because He was conceived in Mary’s womb not by Joseph, not by man at all, but by the Holy Spirit, thus NOT inheriting the “sin nature” which has befallen every single person ever conceived by a male, by a human father (Romans 5:12).

Ergo, Jesus was not just a “good man” or even just a “great man” or “prophet” but a PERFECT person in every way.  Deity.  ”Immanuel”:  God [is] with us… God literally walked among mankind!  And walked and walked and walked among humanity, rubbing shoulders with people just like you and me, especially during the roughly three years of His public ministry.

He walked and walked and walked – all the way to the Cross of Calvary on which He willingly and lovingly and beyond-bravely consummated a Self-sacrifice in taking all of our sins – past, present, and future – onto Himself, onto His literal body which was killed, crucified, then buried in a sealed-up grave with great guards ensuring that nobody could enter it (they feared His followers would seek to steal His body) but then those armed guards fled in fear when Jesus, the Son of God and God Himself (Second Person as noted above) rose again from the dead after having taken the greatest, the most phenomenal and consequential “victory lap” of all time when He flew through Hell so you and I and anyone who puts their full faith and trust in Him won’t have to!

After He rose from the dead – which to this very day  has been celebrated the world over, each Spring, on Resurrection Sunday or as the world calls it, Easter – He then appeared on that very same day to two men who were walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus and also to Peter then all twelve of the Disciples then to over FIVE HUNDRED at one time, all of whom became literal, historical and definitely historic  eyewitnesses to testify to the truth, the veracity, the fact that God’s plan for the salvation of man was indeed “finished” just like Jesus stated on that Cross just before His human death, so they could (and did!) tell others, who told others, who told others, and so on, for the past two thousand years, just as you and I are hopefully doing today.

But after Jesus spent some time among people post-Resurrection, He ascended into Heaven but not before promising to send us a Helper, who was the Holy Spirit and He’s still here, still helping us, each and every day we let Him, each and every minute we don’t “grieve” or “thwart” His full ministry in and to us via the times we sin/slip/stumble in our walk with God but even then, as mentioned two posts ago, our day-to-day fellowship and walk is restored when we simply confess and repent of said sins.

Therefore, the GREATEST (and most famous) “dynamic duo” BY FAR is the perfect Pair of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, working hand-in-hand in and with and through us.  Praise the Lord.

[You’ll probably want to stick around for this next song… (the whole thing but especially the last minute)]

[… and this one, too, to take us out on a high note… (literally 🙂 )]


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