
Around 25% of the country is certain that the planet is currently in a convulsing climate crisis.  Around that same amount is just as certain that it’s not, with the remaining roughly 50% rigidly focused on just being able to survive not in terms of years from now but literally being able to keep putting food on their table and a roof over their head today  and thus don’t pay much attention to what may or may not be happening on a big-picture, planetary basis.  I’ll gladly leave it up to people preeminently more studied in such matters as to whether they’ve seen sufficient scientific support to surmise much less state that the climate crisis is real but I can  confidently confirm that recent reports of drought in DC are definitely true.

Just today I had occasion to be in Georgetown and found out firsthand that its famous canal which was always sufficiently full of water to bolster big boats of sightseeing businesses bearing bazillions of tourists is now down to a trickle, a tiny stream which currently looks like it could barely bolster a bathtub  boat at best.

And seeing that sight sent my mind to the fact that we as Christians – old or young, new or devout – definitely do the drought thing spiritually at one time or another it seems, in which the water of worship and warm-heartedness with God can evaporate for a season.

But thankfully, unlike humanity’s inability to tame much less control the world’s weather, God has graciously given us super-sized say-so and self-determination in the nature (no pun intended) of our walk with Him, how we “weather” (sorry =) the things that come our way each week and day.

All we have to do is deny self and submit to Him and His Word, i.e., to obey the Bible!  But not by our own motivation or strength or doing but rather by His.

Not by our own might or power (as if we had any) but by His Spirit and Word and prayer.


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