(To give context to the first few seconds, this was recorded right after the official video reciting the book of Hebrews)

Welcome to BibleMemory.ORG

My ministry, my passion, my life!

Which exists to serve and help and bless and pray for and minister and listen to you in any way possible, and for the next month or two  to find like-minded Bible-loving believers who would like to sponsor this monumental and historic effort.  It’s a true honor and pleasure to have you join me on this amazing journey and resulting ministry… let’s honor God in this unique way as we make history together!


I’m dedicating my life to
memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE!


Frankly, I was a bit stunned when I did a certain Google research project not too long ago.  It hits me virtually every day how good the Lord has been to mankind in general since the beginning of creation and to all His children in specific.  I kept finding myself in the shoes of David when he wrote Psalm 116:12 asking, “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” and for years I’ve been thinking of a good way – some way, ANY way – to “give something back” to Him to express the love and appreciation I and countless others feel for Him, for all He has done and just for who He is.  His utter love and kindness and compassion.  And patience.  Incredible, long-suffering patience.  Or as the beloved Apostle Paul calls it in 1 Timothy 1:16, His “perfect patience” … indeed!  And His friendship, the fact that just as He wasn’t ashamed at all to associate with and minister to sinners during His human life, so also He’s not ashamed at all to call a dirty rotten sinner like me not just friend but “brother” (Hebrews 2:11).

Then one day it hit me.  The perfect gift I’m certain  He will love!  Memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE – every single one of the words He has imparted and communicated to us – then reciting His own words BACK TO HIM!

Think of it this way.  Imagine if you wrote a love letter to someone you were dating at the time, and one day that person quoted your entire love letter back to you from memory!  What would that say, no, demonstrate  about how much that person truly loves you, and how much they care about and respect your thoughts and emotions and expressed views?  How would that make YOU feel?  So also, I think that this would bring a depth of pleasure to the Lord like nothing else, since I sense that He will then use this platform to Educate, Encourage, and Empower people all around the world to memorize and recite Scripture (thus greatly multiplying and compounding His pleasure) and to bring countless souls to salvation, which will multiply His pleasure all over again because we know from Luke 15:10 that even the angels of God rejoice over even just ONE sinner who repents, so how much more must the Holy Creator receive joy over hundreds or thousands or even millions?  That chapter goes on to answer that very question in beautiful detail in the parable of the prodigal son (or as I like to call it, the parable of the amazing father).

Back to that Google research project.  I thought for sure I’d find several  people who had done this before, surely at least ONE person in the past 2,000 years who verifiably has memorized and recited the entire Bible.  I was stunned when I couldn’t find even A SINGLE ONE.  And it was at that moment that I sensed that strong calling and dedicated my life to doing so, to giving this very unique and special gift back to Him out of pure love and appreciation for ALL that He has done for us!  Not just a gift from me, but from and on behalf of everyone who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with me in this project and resultant ministries by helping out in whatever ways they’re able.  And I can’t think of anything grander than that!

Here are some ways YOU can support this project as we MAKE HISTORY together!


SUPPORT this historic event & outflowing ministries and the cause of Bible Memory in nine different ways – eight of which don't cost a dime and barely any time!

to help



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SUPPLICATE (pray) for DJ Bible as he undertakes this historic, full-time task of MEMORIZING the ENTIRE Bible!

YES, I want to add my name to DJ Bible's prayer list!



SUBSCRIBE for FREE to my YouTube Channel YouTube.com/BibleMemory and you’ll automatically be notified when a new video is published there, too!   And beyond that, what a statement it would make to the world if we Bible-loving believers were to make this THE MOST subscribed-to YouTube Channel, so after clicking the link below then the red YouTube "SUBSCRIBE" button on that Channel page which will open in a new tab, please encourage your friends and family to do likewise!


SHARE this video of DJ Bible reciting the SIX books of TITUS through 2 PETER with your friends, family and followers on Facebook and Twitter!  




SHARE this Overview video with your friends, family and followers on Facebook and Twitter!  



[NOTE:   If you'd like to also share the videos reciting OTHER books of the Bible from memory, you may do so most easily at my YouTube Channel YouTube.com/BibleMemory - simply click on each video then click the "Share" button right below it and then your desired social media platform(s) ... thanks so much for "spreading the Word by spreading the word!"]

Proof of Authenticity

The next thing that occurred to me was how could I demonstrate that this is legitimate, that it’s not just talk or a pipe dream?  I’ve decided and indeed already begun to pour every penny of my life savings into this but that would only cover a handful of months on its own, and a goal as huge as memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE, well, I’m sure you’re aware how long it takes to merely read  the entire Bible, so multiply that by 10 or 20 or 30 and you’ll see that this will take several years, which means I’ll need to do it full-time, which means it’s only going to happen if the Lord leads enough like-minded Bible-loving believers to support it, so it’s very important to me that they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is 100% legitimate and real, and the best way I could think of to accomplish that was to make a video reciting the very first entire book  I’ve memorized, the New Testament book of James, as well as links to the other five I’ve memorized on a part-time basis until now.

But since I’m doing this over the internet, how could I guarantee  that I’m not reading lines or cheating in some way?  And that’s when I went out and bought a double-ply sleeping blindfold from Walmart.  Looks strange (and feels even stranger!) but verifying the legitimacy of this project is exponentially more important, so without further ado…



    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of TITUS from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of PHILEMON from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of HEBREWS from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of 1 PETER from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of 2 PETER from memory


NOTE: The official recitation videos for these first six and all future  books of the Bible I memorize – eventually ALL 66 Lord-willing, and I’m sure He is! – will be located on the Videos page in their biblical  order and on the Blog page amid all the other videos and posts in chronological  order.

Speaking of the blog and other videos, I also intend to publish regular “stream of memory” (like stream of consciousness) videos which I refer to as “informal” (versus “official”) since I’ll be reciting various books of the Bible from memory but will also  share seemingly “random” thoughts and insights about those passages and principles as they arise, as the Lord and the Holy Spirit and the Word itself bring them to mind in REAL-TIME as the Bible filters through my mind!  These have proven to be absolutely LIFE-CHANGING to me and I think you’ll enjoy those same massive benefits as well, that these videos will CHANGE YOUR LIFE in a very tangible and wonderful and ongoing way.  Literally for the rest of your life and indeed all eternity.  Such is the true nature of the Word ingested:  it is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12), it restores the soul (Psalm 19:7-8), it transforms the mind (Colossians 3:16), and it lasts forever (1 Peter 1:23) – it will be my honor to demonstrate and unleash these truths and benefits in YOUR life, too!  So you can do likewise in the lives of others, and so on, and so on, and so on.  (Talk about a virtuous circle!)

Plan of Action

Many people will (mistakenly) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of Scripture must be some sort of “super saint”.  I have this to say about that, and that’s this:  Super saint?  NO I AIN’T!  Not even close.  (To echo the Apostle Paul in Romans 7:18, “For I know  that nothing good  dwells in me, that is, in my flesh”.)  In fact, just the opposite  of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful  I am in and of myself, in my flesh.  You see, as Psalm 19:7-8 clearly states, the Bible – and especially memorizing  the Bible – “enlightens the eyes”.  It breaks through the blindness which besets us from birth and opens one’s eyes.  To the truth and existence and nature and will of God.  To the nature and detrimental, destructive, and indeed deadly consequences of sin (Romans 6:23).  And to the nature of man.  Our flesh.  Our fallacy.  Our tendencies.  Why we do what we do.  Why we do what we should not and not do what we should! (Romans 7:19)  So you can see why I say that the more Scripture one memorizes, the more one will see the righteousness of God and the sinfulness of oneself, of the flesh, to the extent that I can honestly say that I’m the BIGGEST SINNER I know, I’m the biggest sinner I’ve EVER known, and I’m probably the biggest sinner YOU’VE ever known, at least that’s how I see it, that’s my (believe it or not blissful) Bible-borne perspective.

But thankfully Psalm 19:7-8 doesn’t stop there!  Because it’s just as clear that the Bible also “restores the soul” and “makes wise the simple” and “rejoices the heart”!  It’s not just a win, not just a home run, memorizing and reciting Scripture is a GRAND SLAM!  And not just spiritually, but humanly… not just in the spiritual realm, but in the human realm, not just in the life to come but also this present life (1 Timothy 4:8).  And I can testify from firsthand experience that all of this is absolutely true:  so long as I’m doing so on a regular basis, my spirit remains utterly joyful, rarely ever leaving the proverbial “cloud nine”.  I find that I see things that many others don’t (heightened insight produced by the Word within).  And I find that my heart remains filled with and focused on the things above, not on the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2), not on the things which are seen, but unseen, not the things which are temporal but eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18) – what a wonderful way to go through life!  And what’s amazing is that I’m just at the START this journey of memorizing the entire Bible, after which the Lord is leading me to turn this into a full-fledged, full-speed-ahead, full-time ministry – here’s the plan…

PHASE 1:  Memorize the ENTIRE Bible as a “love/thank You” gift back to Him and also to prove, to demonstrate  to the world the utter and tangible  power and benefits of the ingested (memorized) Word of God!  And for the first few months  to highlight the need and leave room for the Lord to lead like-minded Bible-loving believers to support this in whatever ways they’re able and willing and excited to do so when learning about this historic endeavor and opportunity.

PHASE 2:  After memorizing all or at least the vast majority of the New Testament, the next step will commence and entail totally changing the emphasis of this website from seeking one-time and especially Monthly Partners so as to get and keep this going to just giving back by meeting the needs of others, to “fulfill the law of Christ” by “bearing the burdens of others” (Galatians 6:2) and “serving one another” (Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10).

Specifically, I will make myself available all throughout the day virtually every day so anyone will be able to:

  • Ask and receive Bible-based answers to their questions about the Bible itself, God, sin, human nature, and whatever else might be on their hearts at any given time.  Literally for the rest of my or their lives, they will have a ready and waiting friend and/or listening ear and/or shoulder to cry on according to their need at the time.  Without reservation, and without judgment.
  • Submit prayer requests to be prayed for by someone who is brimming with the living Word within him, which I firmly believe is the biggest key to effective  prayer:  the Word sanctifies (John 17:17) and cleanses (Ephesians 5:26) and keeps pure (Psalm 119:9) and away from sin (Psalm 119:11); now combine all of this with the fact that “the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears attend  to their  prayer” (1 Peter 3:12) and “The effective  prayer of a righteous  man can accomplish much” (James 5:16b) and perhaps speaking most poignantly to the amazing link between memorizing Scripture and an effective prayer life, “If you abide in Me, and MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, ask WHATEVER you WISH, and it SHALL BE DONE for you.” (John 15:7).  How will people’s lives literally change and be transformed by the supplication and intercession by one in whom such a massive amount of Scripture will be dwelling?  GAME-CHANGER.  Life-changer.  WORLD-changer!  (Literally.  Just ask the people who were living in the time of Elijah.)
  • Find a BIBLICAL – Bible-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-practicing – church near them, right in their local area!  I am already in the process of putting together this network of churches; denomination will be irrelevant, the only criterion will be the extent to which they demonstrably adhere to the principles set forth in the Bible about “how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)  With a primary focus on how supportive they are of Bible memory. I expect even just the human-interest/intellectual aspect of this project to attract countless people who aren’t even religious or are very early on in their spiritual growth who’ll need and want to find a church that will foster and maximize said growth.
  • Find the businesses in YOUR area that are owned and/or managed by fellow Christians who love the Lord and His Word and realize the importance of and support Bible memory.  Galatians 6:10 and 1 Timothy 6:2 make clear that it is our responsibility as Christians that our everyday choices inure to the benefit of fellow believers whenever possible, so I’m going to make that super easy and convenient by posting a nationwide (but searchable by state/county/city) LIST of Christian businesses so we can all choose THEM whenever we need a product or service; once assembled, it will appear on the “Find A Christian Biz” / Yellow Pages section here at BibleMemory.ORG so please check back for that in the coming weeks.

PHASE 3:  Turn this burgeoning history-in-the-making effort into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry to Educate, Encourage, and Empower others to memorize and recite Scripture on a regular, systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book basis!  Tall goal, but totally doable, because something very interesting happened as I memorized my very first book of the Bible, the New Testament book of James.  That goal seemed not just tall but downright monumental.  Undoable.  Right?  Wrong!  Because, amazingly, the more  of it I memorize, the EASIER it gets!  The more of it I memorize, the more I am able  to memorize.  By the time I came to Chapter 5, I knew this large task was indeed going to be accomplished.  BIG difference than when I was facing Chapter 1 Verse 1.

This is a fantastic real-life demonstration of Matthew 19:26 which says, “With men, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Including memorizing the ENTIRE Bible! You see, in the physical realm, the more water you pour into a glass, the less  capacity it will have for more water to be added.  But in the spiritual realm, when it comes to God and His Word, the Bible, the exact OPPOSITE  is true!  The MORE you pour into your mind, the MORE capacity you’ll have for additional verses and chapters and books to be added!  Not less.  And this amazing power is exponential  in nature:  I saw a large increase in capacity from James 1 to James 5, but double or triple  the capacity by the time I finished memorizing Hebrews 1-5, and then quadruple or quintuple  the capacity by the time I finished memorizing Hebrews 6-10, and so on.  This finding is literally historic, and indeed the closest thing to a bona fide miracle in recent history of which I’m aware:  it’s verifiable, it’s tangible, and – due to the “living and active” nature of the Bible (Hebrews 4:12) – it’s even repeatable.  While the specific extent of this phenomenon might vary from person to person, the essence  of the Word does not.  Ever.  This is how I’ll be able not just to Educate and Encourage the masses to memorize and recite Scripture on a regular, systematic basis but also to EMPOWER them to do so (the Word through  me).  (Believe me, once a person gets a taste of this, his or her life will never be the same.  Human metaphors don’t really do it justice but in terms of the Christian life, it’s like trying filet mignon for the first time after a lifetime of eating hamburger.)

This will primarily be accomplished by producing a course, a syllabus, an entire series of videos, CD’s, and even audio cassettes, which will take all of this and make it SUPER EASY and CONVENIENT for people the world over to learn and apply this at their own pace and as their individual schedules permit.  I am utterly convinced that another worldwide spiritual revival will occur, but I’m even more certain that it will only  occur as people start ingesting  the living Word of God by memorizing  and reciting it regularly – “all the day” (Psalm 119:97) and even “day AND night” (Psalm 1:2-3).

By the way, this would be a great time to let you know that as I’ve been memorizing Scripture, a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus, which, as noted above, I can testify firsthand is making it MUCH EASIER for me to memorize and retain – not just the Bible but EVERYTHING:  to-do lists, schedule and meetings, various events that occur, etc., a true “sponge” effect! – and I’m 99.9% sure that it will do so for virtually anyone and everyone  who applies it.  It’s still coming together but seems to be getting close to the point that it can be rolled out.  This one aspect alone of this one phase alone could easily and literally change the world and people’s everyday lives.

PHASE 4:  Set up new and/or work with established addiction centers to specifically address the huge need for healing, curing, and then preventing from recurring (relapse) the massive crisis of addiction to pain killers, opioids, and other drugs, as well as the dreadful disease of depression.  I am absolutely certain that the best and probably only  way to truly beat, to truly eradicate, overcome, and conquer an addiction is to turn to something even more addictive – and I am equally certain that the most addictive thing in the universe  is the BIBLE, the living and active Word of God, the Word ingested.  No doubt about it.  The main challenge is that so relatively few ever really give regular and systematic Bible memory a try, but I – with your and the Lord’s help – intend to change that!

It won’t happen overnight but I have no doubt that change is indeed coming.  And just in case you don’t think the Bible extends or has relevance to the physical realm of human existence, I humbly give you Proverbs 4:22 which, referring to the Bible, the “my words” of verse 20, clearly states that His words “are LIFE to those who find them, and HEALTH to ALL their WHOLE BODY.”  Is that an amazing verse or what?!  We have a super-duper health “pill” readily available to us (the Bible is the most-published and available book of all time) yet SO FEW EVER ACTUALLY SWALLOW IT!  To their utter “missing out” yet few if any are even aware  of this because nobody has trumpeted it from the proverbial mountaintops but with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that!

I didn’t start memorizing entire books  of the Bible as a child but did  memorize a lot of single Bible verses and – totally not surprisingly in light of that verse/truth/fact – I haven’t had to see a doctor or go to the hospital my entire adult life.  Not even a single time.  No emergencies.  No health surprises.  Not one.  I don’t think the two are unrelated or that this remarkable health history is mere coincidence or the result of “good genes”; no, I’m certain it’s that verse at work.

No, it won’t happen overnight but down the road I look forward to organizing some clinical/medical trials to demonstrate that this is universal and not just specific to me.  I dare say that other than imparting the Gospel or giving one’s own life to save another’s, there is no greater act of love and kindness and therefore Christlikeness (since He epitomized and epitomizes both) than to free a person from the cruel slavery and bondage of addiction or depression, to provide them with the answer, the antidote, something that actually  and permanently WORKS!  So even just this  phase of the action plan will likely be enough to revolutionize the nation and world.

CONCLUSION:  If you like what you’ve heard here and found yourself nodding in agreement several times, please read on…

Partners of Agreement

Virtually without exception, God doesn’t literally reach down His arm from heaven anymore like He did in the Old Testament.  Rather, He sent His Son into the world to save people (John 3:17), and when He ascended back into heaven He in turn sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:16,2616:7Acts 1:8; 2:1-47) who washes and regenerates and sanctifies (Titus 3:5 – working in tandem with the Bible per the aforementioned John 17:17) and transforms people into “little Christs”, “Christ ones”, Christians (2 Corinthians 3:17-18), so I’m trusting the Lord to lead like-minded Bible-loving believers to serve as His arm, His hand, His fingers from heaven by supporting this historic effort and resultant ministries – prayerfully and in the other ways specified below including and necessarily financially; if you would like to support this history-making effort as I dedicate my life to becoming the first person ever to memorize and recite the ENTIRE BIBLE and give that back to Him as a love/thank-You gift on behalf of everyone involved with this and then to Educate, Encourage, and Empower others  to do likewise, simply click the “Donate” button below and you’ll be taken to PayPal’s SECURE transaction page.  (NOTE:  It has been configured so neither I nor anyone else will ever even see your credit card information, only PayPal, the most secure and trusted payment processor on the planet.)  I’m looking for true PARTNERS in every sense of the word, so if you’re able and feel led by God to do so, please become a Monthly Partner by clicking on the little box on that PayPal page as this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He desires.  The engine under the hood of this entire effort and ministry is and always will be the Word itself and the Holy Spirit – but the GAS which fuels it will be you and the other Monthly Partners.  A great parallel would be the thousands of people who sponsor an aspiring Olympic athlete or the millions of people who support a political candidate with whose views they heartily agree.  You might not be able to run or swim at world-record speeds, but you CAN do the next closest thing and sponsor an Olympic athlete!  And you might not have the time or inclination to run for political office yourself, but millions of people do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for that campaign’s planning purposes, monthly) to a candidate who espouses and fights for the same beliefs they hold dear.  So also, you might not be able to memorize the entire Bible but CAN do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for planning purposes, monthly) to someone who IS able, willing, and ready and indeed in the process of doing just that, and thus literally share in all of the fruit borne of this historic effort and resulting ministry – and unlike those other two very pertinent parallels, in this  case the fruit and rewards are of an ETERNAL nature, in addition  to tremendous blessing in this life (Proverbs 11:25; Luke 6:38; 1 Timothy 4:8, 6:6; 3 John 8).  Yes, you might not ever memorize the entire Bible yourself but you CAN make it possible for someone else  to through your thoughtful financial support!

Prizes of Assistance

When I say “partner” I mean it – all who provide such crucial financial assistance to help fund this history-making effort and resultant ministries can expect to receive the following:

1.)  Perpetual Accountability:  I will be ongoingly accountable to you by regularly posting videos of my reciting new books of the Bible as completed, so you’ll be able to follow every step of this process as it unfolds and know for certain that I’m staying the course and continuing to relentlessly pursue this historic goal!

2.)  Personal Appreciation:  You’ll be on the receiving end of immeasurable, literally unlimited gratitude from me for joining other Lord-led, like-minded, Bible-loving believers in supporting this each month and thus literally help make it happen, help make it a reality for the Lord to receive this first-and-only-one-of-its-kind “love/thank-You” gift for all He does and who He is!

3.)  Permanent Award:  Did you know that the Bible teaches that when you support a ministry or related God-useful cause, you actually and literally SHARE in all of the fruit?  3 John 8  “Therefore we ought to support such men, that we  may be fellow workers[and therefore SHARERS] with the truth.”  And Luke 6:38  “Give and it will be GIVEN TO YOU; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over.”  And Proverbs 11:25 perhaps puts it most poignantly:  “The GENEROUS man will be PROSPEROUS, and he who waters will HIMSELF be watered.”  This doesn’t merely pertain to blessing in this life but extends to spiritual fruit and reward.  Indeed, one of the reasons that I started this ministry was so like-minded people could have a great, fun, and unique way to multiply the funds the Lord has entrusted to them and convert those into spiritual and everlasting treasure and reward.  Matthew 6:20-21  “But lay up for yourselves treasures in HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  It doesn’t get any better than that!

And below are some additional ways to support this effort that don’t cost a dime and for those who aren’t able to be a Monthly Partner at this time…


Whenever people hear that I’m dedicating my life to memorizing the entire Bible so I can quote the Lord’s own words – His love letter to humanity, the Bible – back  to Him as a very special love gift and “thank You” gift for all He does and who He is, they LOVE the idea and immediately ask how they can help out, how they can be a real and integral part of this historic event, so I decided to create this “how to help make history” page highlighting nine different ways – eight of which don’t cost a dime and barely any time!  May God bless you richly for helping out in any or all of the following ways:

1. Spread the word about this real-time historic event by simply sharing this page with your friends, family, fellow congregation members, and social media followers with a single click – simply select one or more of these platforms (or the last icon to share by email), it’s that easy!


2. Add your name to my Prayer List!


3. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to pray for this historic event by having them  go to BibleMemory.ORG/pray (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here and select your platform(s) or the email icon on the far right, it’s that quick and easy!


4. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to support this God-pleasing, Christ-honoring, Bible-centered, inspirational, real-time historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/support (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here and select your platform(s) or the email icon on the far right, it’s that quick and easy!


5. Simply SHARE the Bible memory Videos page with everyone you know and encourage them  to share it with everyone they  know by going to BibleMemory.ORG/videos (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here and select your platform(s) or the email icon on the far right, it’s that quick and easy!


6. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to become a Bible Memory Ambassador by simply referring them to BibleMemory.ORG/amb (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here and select your platform(s) or the email icon on the far right, it’s that quick and easy!


7. Encourage everyone you know to listen to and SHARE  the (very catchy) Bible Memory theme song with everyone they  know by going to BibleMemory.ORG/song (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com) – doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then select your platform(s) listed below the video or the email icon on the far right, it’s that quick and easy!


8. Regularly read every new post published on the Blog page!  (Reading it every day is best but even just catching up each weekend will work wonders.)  If you think a post would be a blessing to your friends, family, social media followers or fellow congregation members, SHARE it with them by simply selecting your preferred platform(s) listed at the end of each post!   Or to do so by word-of-mouth, simply encourage them to check out BibleMemory.ORG/blog (please make sure they understand that it’s .org, not .com)


9. If and ONLY IF you’re comfortably able, you are welcome and encouraged to “go the extra mile” by becoming a valued Monthly Partner of this historic event!  Simply select one of these monthly support levels:

$9     $20     $30     $50     $100     $200     $500     $1000

(In the Overview video, I specifically mentioned “4 ways to help” so I didn’t want to delete this sub-section but the (updated) “9 ways” above will be even more helpful… either way, thanks so much and may the Lord bless you richly for helping US – you and me – make history together, in whatever ways you’re able…)
As I began telling people about this new life-focus the Lord has laid on my heart, virtually every single one of them immediately asked how they can help out, how they can support this effort and resultant ministries, so I put together a list of four distinct ways, three of which ANYONE can do and are totally FREE! Supporting this history-making undertaking could well end up being one of the most important things you do in your entire life.

1.) Say

Another way you can help out is to tell your friends, relatives, fellow congregation members and even co-workers (a great “side door” for sharing the Gospel!) about this amazing and historic project, which will greatly interest people of all backgrounds and beliefs if even just on a human intellectual level. And once that door is opened, who knows where the Lord might take it?!

You can do this by word-of-mouth and/or by sharing on your Social Media platforms with just a click!


2.) Stay

Another tangible way you can help out is to stay with this unfolding project and ministry by “following” the blog, simply click on the grey “Follow Bible Memory” button in item “3.” at the very bottom of this page or at the top to the right of that “Overview” video. It’s totally FREE and you’ll automatically be notified each time I post a new video (e.g., like each time I finish memorizing a new book of the Bible, so you can follow my progress each step of the way!) or publish a new post, which will be usually-brief discussions about an aspect of the Bible – the Lord, life, news/current events as seen through a Biblical lens, etc. – so I think you’ll derive a lot of ongoing benefit and enjoyment in this way and it will also give me the blessing of being able to update you on various things as they arise from time to time.

And if you already have a Gmail, Google, YouTube, or Google+ account or email address (and if not, you can get one on the next screen), please also subscribe for FREE to the Bible Memory YouTube Channel – it’s super quick and easy, and you’ll automatically be notified whenever I post a new video on YouTube, too! And beyond that, what a statement it would make to the world if we Bible-loving believers were to make this THE MOST subscribed-to YouTube Channel, so after clicking the link below then the red YouTube “SUBSCRIBE” button on that Channel page (which opens in a new tab for your convenience so you won’t lose your place on this page), please encourage your friends and family to do likewise!


3.) Pray

Make no mistake about it, I desperately need your prayers. That I would remain motivated to keep memorizing the Bible, book after beautiful book, until I complete this calling the Lord has laid on my heart. And for the future ministry which will flow forth from this – that the Lord would develop, direct, protect, and use it however HE may desire, to bring HIM maximum glory, and to be a means through which He brings many people to a saving knowledge of His glorious and wonderful Person through the work and wonder of His Word. If you’d like to be on my Prayer Request Email List if/as more urgent needs arise from time to time, simply enter and confirm your email address in those two boxes below then click the red “Sign up for FREE” button!

4.) Play

It’s important to have people cheering in the stands. Crucial. But I’m trusting the Lord to lead a number of you to actually come ONTO THE FIELD with me in this massive and historic effort. Simply put, it would never, could never, make it to fruition without the thoughtful financial support of enough Lord-led like-minded Bible-loving believers. Without such, the life savings I’ve already begun to pour into this effort would only last a handful of months and as a result ANOTHER 2,000 years might go by without the Lord’s receiving this unique gift, which will be not just from me but equally so from and on behalf of every single person who supports this effort as a way to simply say “Thank You” and “I love You” to our wonderful, precious, loving, kind, and always-giving-to-us Lord Jesus! Encouraging, Educating, then Empowering OTHERS to memorize and recite Scripture is a close second, but giving such a unique and historic “love/thank You” gift back to Him is the main reason for this effort and resultant ministry. So if YOU would like to come onto the field and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me as I dedicate the rest of my life to memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE, simply click the “Donate” button below and you’ll be taken to PayPal’s SECURE transaction page. (NOTE: It has been configured so neither I nor anyone else will ever even see your credit card information, only PayPal, the most secure and trusted payment processor on the planet.) And if you’re able and feel led by God to do so, please consider becoming a Monthly Partner by clicking on the small “Make this a monthly donation” check-box on that PayPal page as this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-fledged, full-speed-ahead, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He chooses. Don’t miss out on this opportunity not only to be a part of history but to help MAKE IT HAPPEN – because without you, it won’t!

But please only give if you’re comfortably able to do so. Sacrificial giving is indeed very pleasing to and rewarded by the Lord (1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15) but I’d prefer that you reserve SACRIFICIAL giving for your church. Also, I want to make clear that while supporting this will surely be very pleasing to the Lord and yield the above benefits in your life, it won’t bring you even ONE INCH closer to heaven if you haven’t already come to a saving knowledge of Christ, in which case I’d humbly ask that you not give a dime but rather just be my honored guest here, with the hope that one day, through the sheer power of His Word, you will  come to that wonderful, unparalleled place of perpetual peace and joy and love. For those who already know Him, I am honored beyond description to have you on the team, thanks so much for your thoughtful support and for “spreading the Word by spreading the word” as we seek to please the Lord and make history together!

Happiness Guarantee

Another reason for this historic effort and website:  to make you and countless others HAPPY.  That’s right, I said it!  I’m willing to make YOUR happiness MY responsibility.  Here’s the deal:  I believe in this endeavor so completely and am so certain that God is and has been in it from Day One that I am comfortable predicting that all those who support it in whatever ways they’re able and regularly and faithfully follow the posts on the Blog, I am absolutely certain that they’ll find a greater and greater level of JOY and ENTHUSIASM and LOVE and SPIRITUAL VITALITY in their day-to-day life… give it a try and I’ll SHOW  you why!

Not because of  me but in spite of  me.  Not because of me  but because of how much of the BIBLE I’m actively pouring into my mind and life each and every day which Lord-willing (and I’m certain that He is!) will result in having the ENTIRE Bible in me – every word of the Word – for the first time in known human history, and I think people the world over will be AMAZED at the results of what happens when the infinite Word of God is placed and resides within a finite human being, flawed and flesh-enveloped though he or she may be.  And specifically for the purposes of this topic, as I’ll be covering in many future posts, given the nature of the Word (e.g., that it “rejoices the heart” as clearly stated in Psalm 19:8), I am absolutely sure that even just faithfully following the posts which flow forth from such a Bible-saturated, Bible-stuffed mind will produce a tangible level of those benefits in YOUR life, too!  So if you would like to follow my progress each step of the way of this historic journey and automatically be notified when a new post is published, simply click the grey “Follow Bible Memory” button in item “3.” at the very bottom of this page or at the top to the right of that “Overview” video then enter your email address and consider it done!  HAPPINESS GUARANTEED.


Coming Soon:  Learn my Bible-borne specific memory METHOD to memorize and retain Scripture (and ANYTHING ELSE!)

I know, I know… I know exactly  what you’re thinking.  “I agree how important Bible memory is and I’d LIKE to do much better at it in my day-to-day life but I just don’t have the time, and even if I did I find it to be so difficult.  And monotonous!”  Am I pretty close?  Well, please don’t deem me a prophet or mind-reader because it doesn’t take either of those qualities to realize that 99.9999% of people and sadly 99% even of Christians don’t memorize the Bible on a regular basis IF EVER!  (It hurts my heart to say that – as the Apostle Paul often said, “May it never be!” – but based on countless conversations I’ve had over the years, it’s true.)  I have this to say about that, and that’s this:  fear not, beloved, I have GREAT NEWS!

As discussed above, the more of the Bible I memorize, the more its ministry of “enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:7-8) kicks in and “performs its work” (1 Thessalonians 2:13) as a very defined METHOD for memorizing and retaining Bible verses (or anything else  for that matter!) continues to take shape.  When completed (probably long before I finish memorizing the whole New Testament, so in the not-too-distant future Lord-willing) I intend to roll this out (the third “E” of this ministry) to actually EMPOWER others not just to be able to memorize VAST AMOUNTS and RETAIN it but also to HAVE FUN doing so!  (Talk about a MIRACLE!)

Stay tuned for further details about this.  All who enter and confirm their email address to “follow” the Blog page will indeed be notified of all future videos and posts including those related to this memory method which I am certain will absolutely REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR LIFE.  Upon rolling it out, I am fully convinced that everyone who takes me up on that challenge to start memorizing and reciting Scripture on a regular, systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book basis (don’t faint, this is utterly doable, just watch!) will find that the benefits specifically stated in Psalm 19:7-8 will become maximally prevalent in your daily life:  that you’ll become more and more Wise, Intelligent, Spiritual, and Happy.  Every parent’s and every person’s  W.I.S.H.!  I look greatly forward to showing  you how to get there, how to make this happen – not only in YOUR life but also those of your children and/or loved ones.


Coming Later:  For kids only, something that will make them LOVE LOVE LOVE memorizing and reciting Bible verses!

Details to follow in a future post…


Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting this effort any way you can!


Educating.  Encouraging.  Empowering.

Spiritual revival, ONE MIND at a time.

Spreading the Word by spreading the word! 

Sponsored by Bible-loving believers like YOU! 

Entire Books of the Bible memorized and then recited on Video

so far, en route to ALL 66!


    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of TITUS from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of PHILEMON from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of HEBREWS from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of 1 PETER from memory
    VIDEO:  Reciting the entire book of 2 PETER from memory
    VIDEO:  OVERVIEW of this historic project


A complete list of videos reciting entire books from memory is located on the Videos page


And below are the three most recent blog posts.  (To see all of them, simply click here or the Blog link at the top-right of this website.)

“Today is the Day”:  We Will Never Forget

September 11.

This is a date and that was a day which we will never forget.  September 11, 2001.  9/11.  It doesn’t matter how it’s written, it still causes a tingle to run up my neck every time.  The tragedy.  The sorrow.  The loss.  The massive and senseless, needless loss of people who were simply going to work like they had thousands of days before or merely catching a flight that morning.

But also the heroism and bravery of our fellow Americans.  The first responders.  The amazing passengers on United Flight 93 who almost saved themselves but definitely saved the country from an even more horrific outcome that day since those hijackers were planning to fly that plane into the U.S. Capitol or the White House.

And that reminds me of a great Bible verse, Romans 8:28 – “And we KNOW that God causes ALL things to work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  There are many ways which that proved true in a big-picture, overarching kind of way… but also and even down to the nitty-gritty.  Did you ever think that a 30-minute DELAY on a runway would be a good  thing?  Indeed, just the opposite:  that’s likely near the top of the list of things that cause people to curse aloud.  But just think about how gracious God was in letting that particular plane – United 93 – on that particular runway at that particular airport on that particular day get delayed for take-off for a solid half-hour, which in turn allowed those brave passengers to receive the phone conversations and realize what fate awaited their plane unless they rose up and fought back, to save their own lives but otherwise at least the lives of their fellow man on the ground in Washington, DC.  As you’ll hear me say regularly in future posts and one in particular, there is NO SUCH THING as a “coincidence” in life.  None whatsoever.  And this is a good and indeed historic example of that.  (Most of us probably thought we’d NEVER give thanks for a 30-minute delay in traffic, eh?)

And indeed, as recently noted in the past, despite all the tragic loss and destruction and devastation which occurred that day, I thank God for 9/11.  For that bravery and selflessness and self-sacrifice demonstrated so beautifully and courageously by those first responders in New York and Washington and our military heroes at NORAD and civil servants at several FAA centers in the east and those countless “average” citizens like me who dropped to the knee and cried out to God for mercy and grace and healing for a country which has always tasted so generously of His grace but has put that at risk in recent decades by turning its back on Him in many ways, reminding Him (for MY sake, NOT His) of the truth in James 5:11 – that He is by nature “full of compassion, and is merciful” and surely enough He doled both out in spades and has kept our nation free of big attacks these past 18 years since.  (Indeed, and interestingly beyond words, I prayed that prayer right at 10:30 a.m. ET, as the TV screen was showing the collapse of the second World Trade Center tower – and as it turns out that was the exact END of the active devastation.)

So on this day which will indeed never be forgotten, which like December 7 sixty years before will “live in infamy”, I thank God for all of those things, for bringing us through that horror and demonstrating His mercy and compassion yet again, just like that verse says.  May He continue to be on our side but as Abraham Lincoln so wisely put it, “my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”  Amen.  Lord, please pour out that compassion particularly on those directly affected, who still feel the sting of the loss of friends and/or family.  For those now-adults who were children who lost one or both parents, forever altering the course and nature of their lives.  For those former first responders who still suffer the dreadful effects of cancer and other diseases to this day as a result of that  day.  For Lisa Beamer and surviving relatives of those courageous passengers on Flight 93 whom You used to lessen and dull the full brunt of that day.  May each of us serve as Your fingers and feet to them through our prayers on their behalf, donating to their respective charities, or simply showing kindness to strangers, who more likely than not were affected by that day even if by two or four or six degrees of separation.  And most of all, Lord, please keep using that day and the memory of it to remind the masses that only ONE THING in life really matters, and that’s the decision we make regarding the life to come, regarding our eternal destination.  May not a single person reading this take another step or spend another night without first making sure that this is a settled matter, by putting their faith in Your immaculate conception, perfect life, then Your death, burial, and resurrection to cover and pay the price for OUR sins and thus allow us to enjoy a relationship of peace with God, not hostility.

Please make that a pressing priority.  Please don’t delay even one more day.  Because, as so dramatically demonstrated on 9/11/01, “tomorrow” is guaranteed to nobody.  TODAY “is the day of salvation’ … NOW is ‘the acceptable time'” (2 Corinthians 6:2).


Share this post with, well, EVERYONE!


Talk About a RIGGED System!

No, that title doesn’t refer to the two-party political system or the stock market or the economy.  I’m talking about something that’s SO rigged it’s jaw-dropping and indeed life-altering.  Literally.  It is undoubtedly GREATLY AFFECTING your life – and not for the better – at this very moment, as we speak.

Whenever I hear someone claiming that something is “rigged”, one word comes to mind:  par-a-noi-a (bup bup bup-bup-bup), par-a-noi-a (bup bup bup-bup-bup, almost like a cheer).  And that turns out to be the case virtually 100% of the time.

But there is an exception.  A big one.  Here’s what I mean.

The system to which the title refers, the system of which I speak, is the world system.  And believe me, it is RIGGED.  Big-time.  Against YOU.  Against me.  Against the whole of humanity.  But this culprit is not acting alone, it has some extremely strong and effective accomplices so let’s discuss those so you can keep them in mind throughout each day so as to enact a successful defense.

Culprit #1 is the devil – also called Satan and originally Lucifer – and all his minions, called demons.  They just carry out the devil’s plans so we’ll just discuss him.

Make no mistake about it, he is the most formidable foe in the history of the universe.  He was originally the second-most-powerful being in the universe, second only to God Himself.  But that wasn’t enough for him.  (Looks like human nature was around even before humans!)  No, he felt the need to be number one, “numero uno”, the “big cheese” as described in Isaiah 14:13-14, which refers both to the king of Babylon (verse 4) and to Satan who empowered him:  “But you [i.e., Satan] said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God … I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”  And Ezekiel 28:13-17 does likewise – referring in part to the king of Tyre (verse 2) but verse 15 makes clear that it’s primarily about Satan – and adds even more color:  “You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering… and the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you… you were the anointed cherub… You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you… and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God… your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor.  I cast you to the ground.”  It seems clear this is also what Jesus was referring to in Luke 10:18 when He said, “I was watching [speaking directly to the deity of Jesus, much like when He said “before Abraham was, I AM” in John 8:58] Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”  The main phrase here for our purposes is “the anointed cherub” which signifies just how high and lofty and powerful a position he was given before foolishly frittering it all away because of his pride.  And though his “reversal of fortune” was the second-greatest in history (I’ll discuss the first and third in a future post… see item “3.” at the very bottom or top-right of this page to automatically be notified of such), he retained (and retains, to this day) a level of power which is incomprehensible to mere mortal man.

In fact, to put just how much power he has into perspective, here’s one of the most surprising verses in the entire Bible:  Jude 1:9 which says, “But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, DID NOT DARE pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you.’ ”  Is that incredible or what?!  THE MOST POWERFUL of the angels “DID NOT DARE” when it came to the devil.

But he not only has the ability to wreak havoc upon humanity but also the motivation.  In John 8:44 , Jesus Himself confirms that the devil is a “murderer” by nature, “from the beginning”, and also calls him a perennial “liar, and father of lies” and that “there is NO TRUTH in him.”  (How would you like to have THAT as an epitaph.)

And lest you think it’s nothing personal, that this uber-powerful enemy isn’t actively and continually aiming his formidable guns RIGHT AT YOU, the Bible saw that widespread sentiment coming from a mile away and in 1 Peter 5:8 says this:  “Be on the alert [holy hypervigilance, as it were].  YOUR [whose?!] adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  Ephesians 6:11 says that he is constantly “scheming” against us.  That’s all he does, that’s the purpose of his very existence, to get as many people as possible to join him in hell for all eternity2 Corinthians 4:4 says that he “has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”  Doesn’t get any clearer than that!  Talk about being unmasked and exposed.  ALL the devil wants to do in life is to trip up believers as badly as possible and KEEP unbelievers unbelieving until it’s too late and thus have them spend all eternity with him and his minions in hell versus with God and all believers in heaven.  (Um, I think I’ll opt for the latter, thank you very much.)

So culprit #1, the devil, has the means, motive, and opportunity.

Culprit #2 is the world, the world system itself.  Unfortunately for those of us living in it, the first two culprits are very closely-linked.  Hypocrisy and corruption have been around since the fall of man but have erupted to a whole new level in society in recent years.  Isaiah 14:12 puts it like this:  “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn!  You have been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations.”  The devil has corrupted entire governments and spiritually polluted entire nations.  Just take a look at the world news on any given day and you’ll see what I mean, what this verse is talking about.  People putting on one face “for the cameras” only to be exposed at some point as being the exact opposite of the perception they painted for others.  But if anyone is surprised by such moments of unmasking, they must not have read 1 John 5:19.  It’s a stunning verse, like getting a bucket of ice thrown on you as was the craze and all the rage (but for a very good purpose) in 2014-15.  It confirms that “the WHOLE WORLD [i.e., system] lies in the power of the EVIL ONE.”  Whoa!  And 1 John 2:16 says, “For ALL that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is NOT from the Father but is from the world.”  Double-whoa!  And we just got done discussing what the devil’s intention and plan for mankind is so it’s wise indeed to “be on the alert” for the shenanigans he’s continually trying to pull and also the world system itself.  More below on HOW to do this.

Culprit #3 is a lot more personal, hits much closer to home.  Your flesh.  My flesh.  The flesh.

It’s challenging enough for most people, even most believers, to “withstand the wiles of the devil.”  Then add to that all the lures of the world, of this world system, all the opportunities to stray it’s constantly throwing in our faces and in our way.  But there’s also an “enemy within” – within our very selves.  It’s called the flesh.  Fallen flesh.  Human nature.  Corrupt, despicable, depraved.  And just because a person is transformed by the saving work of Christ and the Holy Spirit and washed with the water of the Word, THAT FLESH DOESN’T GO AWAY.  Nope.  It’s with us ’til our dying day.  We have to deal with it our ENTIRE LIVES!  Even after our essence has been utterly transformed so as to be a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17), it remains ENVELOPED by the flesh until we go to heaven.

And while the devil and the world system certainly doesn’t make things easy, know who’s responsible for EVERY SINGLE TIME you or I have sinned?  James 1:14 is another stunning and eye-opening verse, confirming that “EACH [and every] ONE is tempted when he is carried away by HIS OWN lust.”  And verse 15 adds, “Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.”

I don’t think most have ever really come to terms with just what a beast is living inside them.  But you know who did?  The person who said this:  “For I know that NOTHING GOOD dwells IN ME, that is, in MY FLESH; for the wishing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.”  Know who said that?  Probably the greatest person ever to have walked the face of the earth other than the Lord Jesus Himself, and that’s the Apostle Paul.

IF THAT WAS TRUE OF THE APOSTLE PAUL (and we have the Holy Spirit’s confirmation that it indeed was), WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOU AND ME, about where WE stand?  All I can say is… yikes!  Double-yikes!  TRIPLE-yikes!

But fear not, beloved, for I have GREAT NEWS!  As uber-powerful as the devil and the world system and fallen flesh may be, they can be overcome, and quite EASILY as it turns out.  Here’s HOW!

The first thing to realize is that in the overarching big picture, the devil – and by extension the world system and fallen flesh – has already been defeated, already been dealt a crushing blow.  Literally.  Romans 16:20 says that God “will soon crush Satan under your feet” and that said groundwork has already been fully laid by the completed (“It is FINISHED!” – John 19:30) work of Jesus Christ (a) when He died on the cross as a sacrificial lamb on OUR behalf, to pay the penalty for OUR sins, (b) when during His time in the tomb He wasn’t simply resting but rather “went and made proclamation” to the demons bound in the abyss awaiting the eternal fiery lake of hell, a proclamation of UTTER AND COMPLETE VICTORY and vanquishing and “a mighty triumph o’er his foes” as that great hymn says, and (c) when He rose again from the dead and fulfilled the prophecy of Hosea 13:14 as the front-runner of all future believers as described in 1 Corinthians 15:55 – “O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?”  (Interestingly, these three points align perfectly with 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, which is the “gospel” referenced in verse 1.)

In other words, the battle has already been won.  By Christ Jesus, on our behalf.  He is already victorious, therefore SO SHOULD WE BE in our daily lives.  But how?  Through faith:  “For whatever is born of God OVERCOMES the world; and this is the VICTORY that has overcome the world – our FAITH.” (1 John 5:4)

Sounds great, but HOW do you and I actually APPROPRIATE faith, where does it come from?

Romans 10:17 couldn’t be ANY clearer:  “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD.”  The message about Christ in specific as just discussed above and the Bible in general.  THAT is what produces FAITH.  Hearing, i.e., OBEYING the Bible, the Word of God.  And while it’s certainly possible to do so simply by reading the Bible, it’s even easier to do so by studying the Bible – but the BEST and maximizing way is by MEMORIZING the Bible.  And that’s one race you needn’t COMPLETE in order to WIN.  I.e., you don’t have to memorize the WHOLE Bible to be a MASSIVE WINNER, you just need to go down that path, to memorize whatever amount on a REGULAR and preferably systematic (verse-by-verse, book-by-book) basis and trust me, the meditating and obeying WILL follow, because and as the Word itself “performs ITS work IN” you (1 Thessalonians 2:13).  See what I mean?  See the utter LACK, the utter ABSENCE of self-effort?  Put the Bible in your HEAD/MIND (hence the logo at the top-left of this page and throughout this website) and the REST OF YOU (body, emotions, soul) will follow!

Not because of you or me, but in SPITE of us.  Not because of you or me, but because of the BIBLE.

As I always say, salvation and sanctification, the Christian life, always comes down and back to the Bible.  (1 Peter 1:23; Romans 10:17; John 17:17)

And the more you MEMORIZE it, the more capacity you’ll have to meditate on and obey it.  100,000% true, GUARANTEED.

So the key to appropriating in your everyday life the victory which has already been won by Christ’s completed work on Calvary’s cross is faith, which comes from the Bible.  And most of all from memorizing and reciting the Bible.  Let me show you an amazing passage of Scripture.

As I’ve said before, there are countless benefits of Bible memory, and I’ll delve more and more deeply into those in future posts (if you’d like to automatically be notified whenever a new post is published, simply click on the grey “Follow Bible Memory” button in item “3.” below or at the top-right of this page) but want to discuss one of those now.

One of my very favorite things about Bible memory is that it gives the Bible and the Holy Spirit FULL capacity to “go to work” in us.  Fully.  Maximally.  As it “courses through” our entire being, our very essence – mind and therefore soul, emotions, and body.  And one result of this “Bible absorption” is that when I’m reciting or meditating on one passage, the Word itself and the Holy Spirit – the REAL “dynamic duo” – will bring another verse of passage to mind so as to create the full meaning of what they’re conveying.  It’s amazing how one verse – often in the same passage – can totally “light up” and “bring to life” another.

And one of my favorite examples of this – and extremely pertinent to this discussion – is found in 1 John 2.

I quoted verse 16 above (along with 5:19) to show the true nature of the world system.  I dare say verse 15 is among the more familiar ones in all of Scripture, the admonition to “not love the world, nor the things in the world.”  But I want to focus on what immediately precedes that.  1 John 2:13-14.

This is one of those cases that the two verses are in the same passage.  Verse 13 says “I am writing to you, young men, because you have OVERCOME THE EVIL ONE.”  (Told ya it was extremely pertinent! =)

Now look at what verse 14 says.  “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and THE WORD OF GOD [Bible!] ABIDES IN YOU, and you have OVERCOME THE EVIL ONE.”

Isn’t that amazing?!  One verse says something, then another verse – either elsewhere in the Bible or in the same passage as here – builds upon it and totally brings it to life!

I’m sure you noticed the DIFFERENCE between those two otherwise-nearly-identical verses/phrasing.  The first one mentions overcoming the evil one.  Then the second one adds the adjective “strong” and the very enlightening phrase “the word of God ABIDES IN YOU“!  Like I say, it ALWAYS comes back to the Bible in general and Bible MEMORY in specific!  What a difference even a single phrase can make.

So HOW can you OVERCOME the rigged system which is pointing its guns directly at you each and every day?  By believing that Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day just like He (and many Old Testament prophets superintended by the Holy Spirit) said He would.  Then by appropriating that done-deal victory by reading or better yet studying or best of all MEMORIZING the Bible.  And before you faint from pre-exhaustion at just the thought of that, rest assured that as I continue along that path of memorizing verse after verse and book after beautiful book, it is bringing into greater and greater focus a specific METHOD which is making it not just EASY (i.e., no fainting necessary) but FUN!  Stay tuned to this blog and when that has fully come together or at least 95% finalized in my mind’s eye, I will share it here in a future post (or more likely, series of posts) but in the MEANTIME you can just read a verse (at least one or two a day is great for now) of the Bible over and over and over and over and ALOUD (you don’t have to shout or anything, just so your own ears can hear your mouth) and, like the hundreds and probably THOUSANDS of song lyrics you’ve memorized and could probably recite right now, you’ll be walking along the glorious and unparalleled path of Bible memory on a regular, systematic basis before you know it!  And will start to SEE the countless benefits mentioned in this and the previous post.  This will absolutely revolutionize your life, I GUARANTEE IT!
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An Ode to the Bible, a Call to Bible Memory, and the Best Healthcare Plan EVER!

Jesus.  Christ.  Jesus Christ.  The Lord.  Jesus Christ the Lord.  The Lord Jesus Christ.  The hymnist was right:  there’s just something about that name!

But lest you think this is merely a continuation of the previous post, let me assure you that, well, it kinda  is.

Because it’s impossible to separate the Word from the Lord or the Lord from the Word.  It’s impossible to separate the Word of the Lord and the Lord of the Word.  Can’t be done.  So while this  post is an ode to the Bible, by definition it will largely and at least indirectly be another ode to the Lord Himself.  Here’s what I mean.

Have you ever realized just how  closely, no, how inextricably  linked the Bible is to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself?

It would probably be heretical to go so far as to say that the Bible is an actual physical, tangible “manifestation” of Christ Himself – but it IS very, very, very CLOSE to being just that!  Don’t believe me?  Check this out…


  • Jesus Christ created everything (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16) … AND (well, well, well, what do we have here?!) the Word of God created everything (Hebrews 11:3; 2 Peter 3:5)
  • Jesus Christ defines truth (John 14:6) … AND (well, well, well, what do we have here?!) the Word of God defines truth (John 17:17)
  • Jesus Christ remains the same forever (Hebrews 13:8) … AND (well, well, well, what do we have here?!) the Word of God remains the same forever (1 Peter 1:23,25; Psalm 19:9; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 5:18; John 10:35)
  • Jesus Christ resides/works IN believers (2 Corinthians 13:5) … AND (well, well, well, what do we have here?!) the Word of God resides/works IN believers (2 Thessalonians 2:13)

But wait, there’s more!

It’s true that the first Chapter of the Gospel of John is abundantly clear on this subject.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. … All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. … And the Word BECAME FLESH, and dwelt AMONG US [humans, mankind], and we beheld His glory, glory as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN from the Father, full of grace and truth.  JOHN [the Baptist] BORE WITNESS of Him…” (John 1:1,3,14-15a)

When that passage starts out, I suppose one could ascribe that to the Holy Spirit, too – though when combined with Colossians 1:16 I don’t think there’s any question of Whom it’s speaking, virtually verbatim.  But after the first few verses, certainly by verse 14 the Bible leaves NO doubt or wiggle room:  it’s absolutely referring to Jesus Christ (“became flesh”, something neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit have ever done).  And it calls Him “the Word”.

I’d say that’s a pretty strong connection and link with the Bible, right?  But years ago I came across a little-known verse that does so to an even greater, more explicit extent.  Wanna know just HOW inextricably linked the Lord Jesus Christ is to the Bible?  I give you Revelation 19:13.

The end of verse 10 makes it crystal clear (or should I say, crystal-sea clear =) that it’s speaking about Jesus:  “… the testimony of JESUS; worship God.  For the testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophecy.”  And verses 11-12 describe His horse and appearance and activities and nature and then verse 13 says it all:  “… and His name is called THE WORD OF GOD.”  Hmm, so is the BIBLE!

Ergo, any ode to the Bible will, by extension if not definition, in effect be an ode to the Lord Jesus Christ, too, so… BONUS!

A Call to Bible Memory

And indeed, it is that very link to, that inextricable association with the Lord Jesus that gives the Bible its power.  If it had emanated, if it had flown forth from ANYONE else but God, from ANY other person, it wouldn’t have such infinite power.  But even then it would still contain a TON of great advice and wisdom – e.g., wouldn’t we gobble up (Jeremiah 15:16; Job 23:12) and heed every word of ANY AND ALL of Paul’s writings, even the non-canonical ones which weren’t Spirit-breathed?  Of course.  Why?  Because the more exposure one can have to someone who is so wise and spiritually mature and such a great imitator of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1) and so utterly exhibits the fruit of the Spirit, the BETTER!  In fact, while I am not and shall NEVER (in this life, on this side of heaven) be even a MILLIONTH of the person the Apostle Paul was, what I have found is that simply storing large amounts, ENTIRE BOOKS of the Bible INSIDE OF ME (Bible memory) and then meditating on those (a-u-t-o-m-a-t-i-c – more on that in a future post) and obeying those, the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and being controlled by (filled with) the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-21) and the Word (Colossians 3:16-17 … hmm, those two lists of characteristics are virtually the SAME!  More on this too in a future post… if you want to automatically be notified whenever a new post is published, simply click on the grey “Follow Bible Memory” button in item “3.” below or at the top-right of this page) have skyrocketed in my life.  Yes, still a VERY long way to go, methinks I’ve just begun to scratch the surface, but the Bible ingested (memorized), the “rich indwelling” of the Bible in a person’s – any person’s – mind ergo soul/spirit and body is so powerful that it WILL affect and benefit other people even just by PROXIMITY.  As I always say, there are no shortcuts per se – the ONLY way to MAXIMIZE the benefits of the Bible is to INGEST (memorize and recite and thus be most fully able to meditate on and obey) it – BUT my firm and strong assertion is that even just putting yourself in PROXIMITY to someone who HAS done that and IS doing that – like by regularly reading and even re-reading and heeding these posts, supporting this historic effort and resultant ministries in whatever ways you’re able, etc. – will still produce a lot of fruit and rewards in YOUR life.  It has nothing to do with the vessel; it has EVERYTHING to do with the Bible.

And make no mistake about it:  the Bible is unlike any other book in the universe.  It and it alone is “living and abiding” (1 Peter 1:23); it is “living and active” and “sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit [what other book could ever do that?!], of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart [ditto].” (Hebrews 4:12) (just as a very timely aside, note that verse 13 immediate flows into speaking of the Lord Jesus… like I said, inextricably linked!); it is “inspired by God and PROFITABLE for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness [WOW!]; that the man of God may be adequate, EQUIPPED for EVERY GOOD work. [double-WOW!]” (2 Timothy 3:16-17); it is “perfect, RESTORING THE SOUL” [triple-WOW!  What other book could even DREAM of being able to do THAT?!], it is “sure, MAKING WISE the simple” [ditto!], it is “right, REJOICING THE HEART” [Amen!  I can definitely testify to that firsthand… and so will you!  Just watch!], it is “pure, enlightening the eyes”, it is “clean, enduring forever”, it is “true” and “righteous altogether”, and it is “more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb”, and in heeding/obeying it “there is GREAT REWARD”! (Psalm 19:7-11); and I could go on forever (literally! quite literally!) but will finish (for now) by adding that when “hidden/treasured in [one’s] heart” he or she “may NOT SIN” (Psalm 119:11; cf, verse 9).  I can honestly say that, because of just how sweet indeed the Bible is, like the Psalmist I “DELIGHT in” it and “shall not forget it” (Psalm 119:16,47), that my “delight is in” it and “in [it I] meditate day and night” (Psalm 1:2), and like the Apostle Paul “I joyfully concur  with the law of God in the inner man” (Romans 7:22).  Amen.

One of the things I love most  about the Bible is that all I have to do is INGEST (memorize) it!  Because IT will do the rest:  it will produce/grow faith in my life (Romans 10:17) and it  WILL “perform its work in” me (1 Thessalonians 2:13).  ZERO self-effort needed.  ZERO “leaning on one’s own understanding” needed.  THE BIBLE DOES IT ALL!  Except for that initial ingesting.  It won’t do that.  This first step is wholly, fully, and solely up to YOU!

With such TANGIBLE and POWERFUL benefits and “GREAT REWARD” as those listed above, why would anyone NOT ingest as much of the Bible as possible?  Two main reasons.

First, “I don’t have the time.”  This one is very easy to dispel, because, come on, seriously, EVERYONE can set aside even just 15 minutes to memorize a verse or two a day, even if just the first or last 15 minutes of the day, right?  Just wake up or go to bed a mere 15 minutes earlier and there’s your ample time.  Easy-peasy.  Anyone can do it.

Second, “I’m just no good at memorizing, I’m just not skilled at memorization, I just can’t memorize a whole lot.”

Hmm, that’s funny, because I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that you could recite the lyrics of HUNDREDS of songs right now.  Am I right or am I really right?  Did I just hit a home run or a grand slam?  Of course you can memorize.  Even CHILDREN can memorize and recite the lyrics of countless songs (hopefully not just those they see on TV), the pledge of allegiance, school plays, etc., right?  Right.

So why on earth would EVERYONE  not voraciously  devour (Jeremiah 15:16; Job 23:12) something that is SO sweet and delicious and beneficial – not just in this life but also in the life to come, even extending to all eternity?

I’ll tell you exactly why.  Because, as quoted from Psalm 19:8 above, it will “enlighten the eyes.”  It will quite literally OPEN YOUR EYES.  To a lot of things but probably first on that list chronologically-speaking, if you ingest (memorize and recite and meditate on and obey) the Bible, it will open your eyes to how righteous God is … and how righteous we aren’t.  It will bring one’s sinfulness right to the fore.  Front and center.  Inescapable.  Even for those most highly-skilled at denial and self-deception.  Because, as also quoted above, from Hebrews 4:12, it truly is “sharper than any two-edged sword” and truly does “pierce as far as the division of soul and spirit” (think about that for a second, amazing) and truly does “judge/discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  You know, that “heart” which is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked/sick” (Jeremiah 17:9), or as Solomon would say (and did! – in Ecclesiastes 9:3), “The hearts of the sons of men are FULL of evil, and INSANITY is in their hearts throughout their lives.  Afterwards they go to the dead.”  (The first thought that hits me is that I don’t think I’d ever want to invite “Ecclesiastes” Solomon to a dinner party.  Yikes!  “Proverbs” Solomon?  Absolutely.  Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.  But he clearly lost his way, lost his fastball as they say.  He went from being at the peak to simply becoming very bleak.)

But hand-in-hand with that is the fact that 99.9% of people hate even the thought of giving up control of their mind.  In any and every OTHER way this is a good and healthy hesitance.  After all, Jesus Himself demonstrated this in John 2:24-25 – “But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men (human nature), and because He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man for He Himself knew what was in man.”  But when it comes to God and the Bible, one should desperately WANT to cede control – why?  Because (a) God and the living Word are infinitely WISER than we are and KNOW us yet LOVE us infinitely more than we love ourselves and ALWAYS have OUR best interest in mind, and – even just from a purely human standpoint – (b) that’s the way to GAIN self-control, to GIVE it to God!  Ephesians 5:18 says to “be controlled by (usually translated ‘filled with’) the [Holy] Spirit” and Galatians 5:23 makes clear that the result (fruit) is (drum roll, please) SELF-CONTROL.  Is that amazing or what?!  The vast majority of people yearn for a greater and greater sense of self-control in their lives, and rightly so, but they go about it the entirely wrong way:  they seek to hoard it versus giving it to God, which is the ONLY path to a maximum and ever-increasing sense of self-control.  When the object of ceding control is God via the Bible, control GIVEN turns into control GAINED!  The world – and sadly even many professing Christians – have this TOTALLY BACKWARDS.

And THAT is why 99.9% of people won’t ingest the “miracle pill” that IS the Bible.  Because it’s very uncomfortable to human nature in general to give up control, and deep down they know that the Bible is infinitely effective at revealing the truth not just about God but about ourselves.  About yourself.  About myself.  So most people keep depriving themselves of infinite benefit because they don’t get past that very difficult first  phase, they don’t get past the initial discomfort.

Best. Healthcare. Plan. EVER!

But everything above only dealt with the spiritual and emotional and relational and mental aspects of life, the intangibles.  What if I told you that Bible memory also produces amazing tangible effects?  What if I told you that it even produces phenomenal PHYSICAL HEALTH?  Don’t believe me?  My oh my, we do have much to discuss.

Let’s start with the far less important, far less weighty but not insignificant firsthand testimony/experience:  I started memorizing Bible verses when I was young (BMA, AWANA, etc.) and into my teenage years and I almost NEVER got sick that entire time growing up.  (Though I did  ”fake sick” a lot so I could stay home from school and play video games, I have to admit that. =)  And I kept right on going as I became a man and guess what, I haven’t had to go to the doctor’s or the hospital EVEN A SINGLE TIME in my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE.  Not even once.  Talk about a GREAT healthcare plan!  The best!  Fact:  I have NEVER even THOUGHT about getting health insurance my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE.  (The only time I did so was when the government passed a law that required  it, and it was cheaper to go ahead and get the insurance than pay the fine for not doing so, widely known as the “individual mandate”).  Every single day I feel like I’m going to live past 100 if I die at all!  No joke.  Not sure that’s what’ll actually happen (the 100+ part) but that’s absolutely how I feel all the time so I’ll take it!  Humbly but gladly.

So there’s that, very strong firsthand experience.  But like I said, that and a dollar will get ya a cup of coffee (at most fast-food restaurants anyway).  I mean, my lifelong physical health could just be the result of good genes and not have anything to do with the Bible, right?  WRONG!  Here’s why.

The Bible is crystal-sea clear that “godliness actually is a means of GREAT GAIN” (1 Timothy 6:6).  Yeah but, you might be thinking, yeah but couldn’t that just mean that it yields great gain in eternity, in heaven, in the life to come, regarding just spiritual things?  And my reply is likewise yeah but what about 1 Timothy 4:8 which clearly doth state that “godliness is PROFITABLE for ALL things, since it holds promise for the PRESENT LIFE [what?! for the PRESENT LIFE] [okay, that’s what I thought] and also for the life to come.”  So, yes, of course it produces tremendous benefit for the next life, for all eternity… but it DOESN’T STOP THERE, it ALSO produces tremendous benefit in THIS life, this present life, this earthly, human life in which we all find ourselves as we speak.

“Yeah but,” I can almost hear you thinking, “but that doesn’t specifically mean that PHYSICAL HEALTH will necessarily be included in those “present life” benefits and promise, right DJ Bible?”  To which I have another “yeah but” of my own:  yeah, but is not sickness and disease and indeed death itself – the extension and ultimate conclusion of those things – not produced by sin, are not those things the RESULT of sin?  Of course, as stated perhaps most clearly in Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is DEATH” – and James 1:15 says, “when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death” … doesn’t get any clearer than that!  Although Romans 5:12 comes in with a solid tie, confirming that “just as through one man sin entered into the world, and DEATH THROUGH SIN, and so DEATH spread to all men, BECAUSE all SINNED.”

So if there were something that prevents sin, wouldn’t it also, by definition, prevent the results of sin, too?  Like disease and sickness and illness?

Doesn’t even nature itself make this abundantly clear?  If we destroy the root does the dandelion remain?  If we destroy the root, can a plant or flower or tree remain alive?  Clearly not.  So if there were something, anything in the universe that actually prevents sin, would you not agree that it would also prevent disease and sickness?

I’m here to tell you that I have found such a thing.  Take a wild guess what that is.  Yep, the Bible.  Psalm 119:11 – “Thy word I have treasured/hidden in my heart [mind, not the physical heart, with atria and ventricles] that I may NOT SIN” – is that amazing or what?!  The Bible is the only tangible thing that can actually PREVENT SIN!  And therefore the results of sin like illness and disease.

Prevention is very key here in my view.  Because, while I personally believe it to be so, I can’t be dogmatic that memorizing the Bible will CURE a disease or illness already in a person (but see below why I think this is so, for the main verse which suggests if not asserts this, which connotes if not denotes such).  I firmly believe it would and intend to initiate multiple clinical trials to PROVE that, but that’ll take some time, so in the meanwhile please do yourself and your children or nieces or nephews the biggest favor and start ingesting the Bible through Bible memory on a regular, systematic basis.  It will change your life, GUARANTEED.

I think the point has already been made, even without using the sharpest tool in that particular shed.  But I would and could not end this conversation without sharing this final verse with you about the Bible and physical health.  Let’s call it the clincher.  The skepticism-crusher.  The cleanup hitter.  You get the point.

If you’ve already watched the “Overview” video on the home page (and I strongly encourage you to do so) then you already know the answer but here it is again and for anyone who hasn’t:  Proverbs 4:22 – “For they” [pointing back to the “my words” of verse 20, referring to His words and collectively His Word, the Bible] “For they are LIFE to those who find them…”  That’s quite a statement, no?  Indeed.  But believe it or not, this verse doesn’t stop there but becomes even more explicit in the matter:  “For they are LIFE to those who find them, and HEALTH to ALL their WHOLE BODY.”  What a verse!  What an amazing verse!  What an amazing truth!

Let’s hone in even further on a few of these words and that’ll do it for this post.

“life” (Hebrew, hay-yim) – life but also carries the sense of active, reviving, flowing, fresh, green (like vegetation), sustenance, maintenance, appetite, and renewal … sounds good to me!

“find” (Hebrew, la-mo-sa-e-hem) – find, secure, ACQUIRE, attain to, get, meet, encounter, discover, detect, recognize, TO BE IN THE POSSESSION OF

  • While reading the Bible is good, and studying it is even better (2 Timothy 2:15, the “key verse” for the AWANA program, of which I have countless childhood memories – and the hundreds of Bible verses memorized then still live with me today, just amazing, what a great ministry!), there is NO better way to “be in possession of” it and “acquire” and “discover” and “find” it then to memorize it, to ingest it, to get it in of you, to swallow it up!  Think about it:  who can best meditate on the Bible than one who has memorized it and thus can “call it up” and “call upon it” and recall it literally at ANY time?  At a stop light, in a traffic jam, during the 7th inning stretch or halftime of a sporting event, while showering… the possibilities are virtually endless!  And who can best obey the Bible than one who has memorized it?  Exactly.  Nobody.  That’s the best and easiest way for a person to obey; automatic it doth be when God’s own words do dwell in thee!  Like the famous tagline for Porsche cars, when it comes to Bible memory, there is no substitute.  And the benefits are as endless as the possibilities.

“health” (Hebrew, mar-pe) – health, healing, PROFIT, soundness of MIND, CURE

  • The healing aspect in general was to be expected, but I find it very interesting that this word also was used to include a FINANCIAL term (“profit”) and PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL term (“soundness of mind”)
  • The reason I say I wouldn’t put it past the Bible for a minute to have the full capacity not just to prevent sickness and disease but even to CURE them is that this word was also used and often translated as “cure”
  • However, as we’ll discuss further in a moment, the word “body” does seem to emphasize physical health as the primary point here – but the financial and psychological/emotional aspects/benefits should absolutely not be overlooked much less discarded here… why?  Because:
    • Psalm 1:1 starts by saying “HAPPY” (also translated “blessed”) is the one who “delights in and meditates on” the Bible!  I’d say that covers the psychological/emotional realm, but how about the financial?  Yep, there’s a verse for that.  Actually THREE which speak to that directly:
    • Psalm 1:3 says of that one who “delights in and meditates on the Bible”, that he or she “will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and in WHATEVER he does, he PROSPERS.”  What?  PROSPERS.  Come again?  PROSPERS.  Did I hear that correctly?  Yes, PROSPERS.
      • Hebrew, yas-li-ah:  to PROSPER, SUCCEED, advance, BE PROFITABLE
    • Joshua 1:8 – And lest you think that maybe David was just having an extra nice time in the fields that day when he may have written Psalm 1 (he wrote Psalms 3-9 and half [49%] of the 150 total so there’s a very good chance he did indeed write the first one, too), this verse says the very same thing:  “This book of the law [i.e., the Bible] shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE [see note just below, very interesting!] on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for THEN you will make your way PROSPEROUS, and THEN you will have SUCCESS.”
      • Note that this verse not only uses the exact same word “prosper” as Psalm 1:3 but ADDS another:  “success”.  Couldn’t.  Be.  Even.  A.  Smidgen.  Clearer.
      • I love that word “then” here.  There’s a chronology to this.  Ever heard someone say, “If only God made me prosperous, I’d read the Bible every day”?  It’s the other way around:  if you absorb the Bible, THEN you’ll be prosperous and have success.
      • I also love that word WILL.  It’s definitive, not wishy-washy or uncertain.  It’s a GUARANTEE (result) from God HIMSELF, right in His flawless Word!
      • But the one I’d like to focus on most is that word which most versions of the Bible have translated as “meditate” but wanna take a wild guess what that word REALLY is in the original, in Hebrew?  It’s we-ha-gi-ta and is best translated as RECITE.  Interesting, eh?  And not just anything but specifically the BIBLE.  Ding ding ding!  It’s not saying that it’s necessarily WRONG to recite other things, but this promise, this God-given guarantee only pertains to ONE thing, and that’s the Bible.
    • James 1:25 – And lest you think maybe this is just some quaint notion from the Old Testament, this verse conveys the exact same message:  “But one who looks at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it [i.e., the Bible], not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man SHALL be BLESSED in WHAT he does.”
      • Just like the two verses above, this one leaves no room for doubt or uncertainty:  “SHALL”!
      • The “WHAT” here echoes the “WHATEVER” of Psalm 1:3
      • But the one I’d like to focus on most for this verse is that word “BLESSED”:  Hebrew, makarios (not macaroni, nor macarena – though I wouldn’t be surprised a bit if those two sprang from the same root word) which is best translated as “HAPPY”.  It also means to be blessed, to be envied, to be fortunate, to be well off
  • So while here in Proverbs 4:22 the primary emphasis seems to be on the physical realm due to that word “body”, the Bible clearly testifies of its powerful benefit in the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and even financial realms

“all the whole” (Hebrew, u-le-kal) – all, the whole, the whole of, each and every, totality, everything

  • In modern-day English we might say “the whole shebang” or “the whole ball of wax” or “from A to Z”
  • I love the emphasized sense of “totality”, NOTHING LACKING OR EXCLUDED, i.e., there’s not a single part of the body which is immune to the power of the ingested Word, of Bible memory, and also the fact that it’s not just capable of bringing partial healing or prevention or physical benefit but COMPLETE AND TOTAL

“body” (Hebrew, be-sa-row) – the body, of the body, mankind, all living things, kindred, blood-relations

  • As referenced above, the presence of this word leaves no doubt or wiggle room that the Bible is making utterly clear that the power and effect and efficacy and work of the Bible is not limited to the spiritual or emotional or relational but also and even to the PHYSICAL realm, to one’s PHYSICAL health
  • I am absolutely certain, ZERO doubt, that when I do organize some clinical trials they will reveal across the board that Bible memory, ingesting the Word of God into one’s body by way of one’s mind, is THE BEST HEALTHCARE PLAN IN THE UNIVERSE!  I’m living proof, now I seek to prove that this is a universal truth and not just specific to me or that my experience was merely due to inheriting “good genes” or enjoying exercise (those certainly don’t hurt but aren’t the cause)
  • Which would you say is the more difficult task, to heal/restore a body or a soul?  I think virtually everyone would agree that the latter is infinitely more difficult (and indeed, outside of the Bible and things pertaining to God, downright impossible).  So since the Bible can and does and will “restore the soul” (Psalm 19:7), who could rationally argue that it can’t restore a body?  This verse leaves NO DOUBT about that, NO WIGGLE ROOM in this matter.  And aren’t you glad for this?  I know I am!  Tangible, day-after-day and hour-after-hour ongoing benefit which makes such a difference in one’s quality of life, not to mention the eternal benefits!

As I began this post, so I’ll end it:  the Bible is like no other book.  It was involved in the very creation of the universe, it never fails, never changes, never hedges, never wavers but DOES gladden, make WISE, and open the eyes!  (Psalm 19:7-8)  Or the acronym I like to use:  Wise  Intelligent/insightful  Spiritual  Happy  …  every parent’s – and every person’sW.I.S.H.!

Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do to shield you from the fact that if you decide to heed my call, this blaring trumpet, for BIBLE MEMORY on a regular, systematic basis, it will reveal not only God but also your true nature to yourself.  Inescapable.  And wonderful.  AFTER you get over the initial hump.  Believe me, at the VERY beginning, the VERY FIRST step you take down this road, on this journey, it’ll be the MOST SPIRITUALLY-DIFFICULT thing you’ve ever done.  And the most rewarding.  Difficult in that the ingested Bible will absolutely and immediately go to work in your mind and reveal a lot of things about yourself to yourself – to your mind, your mind’s eye – that 99.9% of people would rather not see about themselves.  But if YOU don’t stop there, NEITHER WILL IT!  Because along with revealing those things to you, it will simultaneously start KNOCKING THEM OUT more thoroughly and consistently than a heavyweight boxing world champ could even dream.  It will “perform its work IN you” just like 1 Thessalonians 2:13 says.  (That’s not a promise so much as a STATEMENT OF FACT.  Accomplishing its work is just WHAT IT DOES!)  And will result in all the other benefits discussed above.

You might’ve noticed that I just said it would be the most spiritually-difficult thing you’ve ever done.  That’s because it destroys the flesh and sin in your life (Psalm 119:9,11) and the LAST thing the flesh and sin want is to be eradicated and destroyed!  They (the flesh and sin and the devil) want to stick around and control you (2 Timothy 2:26 speaks of unbelievers coming “to their senses and escape from the SNARE of the DEVIL, having been HELD CAPTIVE by him TO DO HIS WILL” … nuff said).  Body, mind, and soul.  That’s just what THEY do.  (To the extent that one lets them, that one doesn’t put up the proper defense – Ephesians 6:10-18) and especially verse 17‘s “the SWORD of the Spirit, which is the word of God” and OUT OF WHICH all the other weapons of spiritual warfare flow, more on this in a future post.)  So they will battle most vigorously to KEEP you from ingesting the Bible, that divine “medicine”.  They’ll pull out all the stops.  But they don’t stand a chance against the Bible.  If you “abide” and KEEP going along the wonderful, unparalleled path of Bible memory.  It’s nothing less than an all-out battle for your mind, for your soul, for your body, for your very life.  The only question is which one you’re going to let WIN.  It’s either “A” or “B” in this case, no in between.  If one doesn’t choose the Bible as the winner then the flesh/sin/devil WILL be.  It’s like my parents used to tell me as a child:  either the Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.  Don’t believe me?  Just look BACK on your life to this point, to this very minute.  Which side have you allowed to win that war?

I encourage every parent to get their children (or nieces or nephews or neighborhood kids, etc.) to start memorizing the Bible as soon as possible.  ASAP.  In medical jargon, STAT!  Because it’s every bit as critical as a patient who’s bleeding to death from a gunshot wound on a hospital operating table.  And because it’s never too early to start memorizing the Bible on a regular, systematic basis but you know what?  It’s never too late to start, either.  And the prayer of my life is that you will heed this call and do yourself the biggest favor ever.  Both in terms of this life and the one to come, eternity.  And that you’ll then spread the word and encourage others (and if you have children, MAKE and even PAY them) to do likewise.

For years I’ve been pleading with the Lord to bring about revival in this nation and planet once again, as He has done from time to time in the past.  And I believe He will do so for yet another time BUT that such will ONLY happen if and to the extent that you and I ingest and infuse ourselves, our minds, our bodies, our souls, our very beings with the Bible – the living and active and abiding and eternal Word of the living God – and then spread that to others.  Hand the flesh and sin and the devil himself a crushing blow, a devastating uppercut, by getting into your mind the very thing – the ONLY thing – that can defeat them and end their hold on your life.  That can and will overcome and vanquish any addiction known to man, no doubt about it.  “Because greater is He who is IN you than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) and so is His Word, the Bible.

And while Bible memory on a regular, systematic basis AT FIRST will (not might) be the most spiritually-difficult thing you’ve ever done or will ever do, I am thrilled to tell you that as I have memorized entire books of the Bible, as I have gone through that process and progressed along that wonderful path, the Bible has been fulfilling its “enlightening the eyes” work (Psalm 19:8) in a very TANGIBLE way such that it is literally revealing to me and unfolding in my mind piece by piece a specific METHOD which believe it or not makes this not just EASY but a ton of FUN!  And believe me, when I first started, when I took the first step on this path, it was ANYTHING BUT “fun”!  It was downright daunting.  But I believe the Lord and the Bible itself have shown me that, have revealed that method to me, not only so I can successfully complete His calling in my life to be the first person in known human history to memorize and recite the entire Bible but also and equally so I can share it with others so the only obstacle will be mustering the courage to have the truth about yourself, your inner person, revealed to you, everything after that first phase will be easy and fun and indescribably rewarding.  As stated on the home page, I expect that method to be finalized, to come together in full or at least fully enough (95+%) in my own mind that I can then share it with others so stay tuned, it’ll change your life and those around you, just watch and see!  I guarantee.  Not only has it produced massive and constant joy in my day-to-day life but it has also turned my brain into the proverbial “sponge” – it literally soaks in everything and forgets nothing.  Not even more minor things like meetings or schedules or to-do lists.  This will be one of your favorite things about Bible memory, how it turns the human brain into a super-brain as it were, downright amazing, and impossible to fully describe with mere words but I think you get the gist.  And this is just one of countless benefits!

  • Bible memory is the single MOST IMPORTANT thing in the Christian life.  Why?  Because while worship is crucial, it is informed by the Bible.  While praying is vital, it too is informed by the Bible.  Same with fellowship.  And while sharing the Gospel of Christ with others is undoubtedly THE MAIN function of our continued presence in this earthly life.  Because it’s the ONLY godly thing we won’t be ABLE to do in heaven, i.e., we’ll worship 100% better in heaven, we’ll pray 100% better in heaven, we’ll definitely fellowship 100% better in heaven – but we’ll evangelize 0% better in heaven, won’t even be ABLE to do THAT one.  Which is the main reason God doesn’t take us straight to heaven the instant we’re saved, because I guarantee you He’ll be much (much, much, much, much, i.e,. infinitely) more pleased by our worship and praise and prayers there than how we do those things here!  And yet…
  • Bible memory is the most IGNORED action in the Christian life.  Hands down, bar none.
  • Bible memory should be viewed less as an activity, more as a LIFESTYLE.  It’s not so much something one does but who one is and becomes (and becomes and becomes, i.e., a consistent, ever-increasing transformation to become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ – just as 2 Corinthians 3:18 says!)

The Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ are my first love.  And that order is because but for the Lord, I could never have peace with God or be indwelt much less filled with the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:1; 8:9), it all starts and ends with Jesus.  (Just like that list.)  But without a doubt, my second love is the Bible.  Third place is so far behind so as practically not to even exist.  This post began with several ways in which the Bible is inextricably linked to and inseparable from the Lord, so it seems a very fitting end that just as He is the bridge between us and the Father and Holy Spirit, so also the Bible is the bridge between us and the Lord.  It leads us and guides us to a saving knowledge of Him (2 Timothy 3:15).  It is indeed “a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).  It is indeed “better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (Psalm 119:72) and “more desirable than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb” (Psalm 19:10) so how on earth could I come to any other conclusion than to affirm with a whole heart that “I SHALL NOT FORGET THY WORD” (Psalm 119:46).

If you sense that the Lord might be leading YOU to support the historic event unfolding in real-time here at BibleMemory.ORG and thus become my fellow worker and thus share in all of the fruit and blessings (3 John 8) and literally MAKE HISTORY together, here are the best ways to do so:

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